
DNA Vs. Epigenetic Synthesis

Decent Essays

For years, scientists believed DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid, was the end-all-be-all: a mould for our cells to be created from. Which does not sound far-fetched since DNA contains all of the information needed for replication, differentiation, growth, and development, in addition to the countless cellular fates, as described in Waddington’s landscape. Instead, DNA is a guide for our cells, and Epigenetics is the tool that coerces them into their final cellular form. The Epigenetics Revolution: How Modern Biology Is Rewriting Our Understanding of Genetics, Disease, and Inheritance written by Nessa Carey, outlines the process of DNA versus Epigenetics, and the developments they have had within the scientific field. This paper will examine the fundamental distinction constructed by Nessa Carey between DNA as a script versus a template. This analogy of DNA as a script.
For a moment, apply the idea …show more content…

One example is Romeo and Juliet directed by George Cukor versus the movie, sixty years later, as directed by Baz Luhrmann. Much can happen in 60 years, both in media and society, as well as in gene and genetic codes. For instance, in less than a year, The Dutch Hunger changed the genes of its survivors for generations, through epigenetics. People like Audrey Hepburn who endured the event suffered poor physical health for the rest of her life. Even more interesting were the effects on pregnant women during this time period. The nourishment, or lack thereof during the famine caused a methylation of the foetus’s genes that passed through generations. Malnourishment during only the last stages of pregnancy resulted in a low birthrate that continues throughout their lives, along with lower rates of obesity.. Additionally, there have been other changes observed in the original women’s grandchildren, further proving the strength of the Dutch hunger on future

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