Six weeks later, on May 3, 1938, the first 100 prisoners transported from Dachau concentration camp arrived at the newly designated Flossenburg concentration camp. Initially, the SS intended the camp as a place of detention for males, particularly those rounded up in the winter and spring of 1938 in the course of the major police operations to remove so-called asocial persons and repeat criminal offenders from German streets. The SS planned to deploy the prisoners as forced laborers in the nearby stone quarry owned by the SS company German Earth and Stone Works
One of the problems Asian American communities faced during World War 2 is concentrations camps. Since the United States went to war all Japanese, Germans, and Italians were seen as enemies so, they were put in camps because the U.S did not did not trust them. Also it was a way to have control over them having them in camps. Over five thousand Japanese were detained and were intern in camps in Mexico, Montana, South Dakota, Los Angeles, and the Bay Area. There were ten more relocations camps located in California, Arizona, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, and Arkansas.
The Holocaust was the elimination of millions of Jews. This terrible incident left many families and innocent people scarred. There were few survivors and most died in very harsh and cruel ways. Dachau Concentration Camp was a very cruel death camp where many Jews were executed during World War II.
Auschwitz Birkenau located in Oswiecim Poland, The holocaust began in May 26, 1940. Over 1.1 million people had died at birkenau many people had died because of hunger, disease, horrible conditions, and the gas chambers. The holocaust began shortly after world war 2 began, hitler and the nazi party rose to power due to political power circumstances. Germans could not believe the defeat that had happened at world war 1, the government in germany so bad with money they needed somebody that could help them out and fix germany.
Those not sent to death camps were sent to something even more cruel: concentration camps. In the early days of the war, these camps were only used to house political prisoners of the war such as communists, previous criminals, prisoners of war, and extending even to tramps and beggars (“Concentration Camps” Gale, 127). In 1936, the concentration camp system extended greatly to include Jehovah’s witnesses, convicted prostitutes, Jews, Gypsies, and homosexuals (“Concentration Camps” United States Holocaust Museum, par. 1). After 1936, the camps were built next to or near quarries or brickyards and factories where prisoners were forced to perform heavy labor until they were too weak to continue. (128). The program was known as “Vernichtung durch Arbeit”, or “Annihilation through Work” (par. 4). Upon arrival to the camps, lines were formed in front of SS medical officers who directed each prisoner to the left or the right. If you were directed to the right, then you were to live, but die a more drawn out than those who went left
Throughout the life at Dachau concentration camp, isolation was a huge deal. Once the prisoners arrived at the camp, they were separated boys and girls and their personal belongs were taken from them. The younger kids and their mom, and the older people were sent straight to the gas chamber because they believed that they were not able to do any labor. There were numerous amounts detention buildings in Dachau. Shunt room and bunkers were two that they used often. Bunkers isolated rebellious and defiant prisoners, which there were harsher prison conditions, torture and murder. Now the shunt room was admission for the prisoners, it was brutal and was meant for the prisoners loss of rights, liberty, and human autonomy. For jews they had a different
Auschwitz Birkenau was the largest death camp during the Holocaust. Auschwitz is located in a Poland city called Oswiecim. The Germans construction of Auschwitz Birkenau began in April 1940. 1.1 million people were sent to Auschwitz and 200,000 of those 1.1 million survived the Holocaust. The people who survived the Holocaust found a new life in modern day to day.
The Plaszow Concentration Camp was surrounded by an electrified barbed wire fence that had several different sections that divided the jews and the polish people. This camp was filled with tons of barracks. The barracks were used to hold all the people that were at the camp including factories, and warehouses. These households were also normally split up into the mens and womens camps. The largest number of people that were at the Plaszow Concentration Camp where 20,000 people. Oskar Schindler was a spy and a member of the Nazi Party. He attempted to protect his Jewish workers that were at this certain camp. He helped about 900 people, from abuse in Plaszow and from deportation to extermination camps. In all he saved about 1,200 Jews during
The Dachau concentration camp was established March 22 1933,at an old WWI gunpowder factory.Dachau was one of the first camps to use SS soldiers.At first,Dachau was intended to befor only men.During the first year of Dachau,it was able to hold 4,800 prisoners.After being liberated,Dachau had 31,951 certified deaths.The total of prisoners to arrive at Dachau is 206,206.It was not a death camp for th genocide of the Jews,although there was Jewish prisoners there.
In early 1930’s one of the darkest times in history, a worldwide depression had hit Germany. Adolf Hitler conducted a slave raid throughout the Soviet Union during World War II.
Eleven million people died during the Holocaust of these eleven million people 2.4 million died from medical experiments conducted by German forces. These experiments were conducted mainly for three reasons. The first of which was to help the Germans gain knowledge that would help them better understand things that would have been viewed as threats or weaknesses to their military (Holocaust Museum). For example the Germans knew little of hypothermia and the weather located on the eastern front, so freezing experiments were conducted at Auschwitz concentration camp where most of their medical experiments occurred (Remember ). The second reason the Germans did medical experiments was to further their knowledge on how to pharmaceutically
During the Nazi Holocaust, multiple working and death camps were created to hold the captured Jews. While the Jews lived in this camp, they were tortured, mistreated, worked to death and eventually were put to death by either execution by firearm or were put into a death camp which exterminated the Jews using poison gas. The Nazi Party had developed many death camps in the central european area including the 6 death camps of Poland; Auschwitz, Treblinka, Belzec, Chelmno, Sobibor, and Majdanek.
World War II was a time of grieving those lost, praying for near ones, and coming together as one to survive. The notorious concentration camps; established as part of Hitler's Final Solution to exterminate all Jews, left one of the longest lasting impacts on world history. Soon after, the United States put an internment camps where Japanese-Americans were kept shortly after the bombing of Pearl Harbor due to stereotypes surrounding their race. Comparing the German concentration camps to the American internment camps shows a contrast in the harsh reality of the living conditions in these concentration camps and the more peaceful approach that was kept within internment camps in America. These differences and similarities can be shown in the
When I got to the first concentration camp. They told us to take off our clothes and put on other clothes that looked much worse. Then they would tell us to stick out our left arm so they could tattoo our numbers on. During the Holocaust, concentration camp prisoners received tattoos only at one ... non-Jewish persons of virtually all European nationalities.
Camps now a days are fun for children when they are bored during the summer they can stay there for weeks make friends and learn all sorts of new stuff while their parents don’t have to deal with them for a while and are sure they are safe and having fun. The camps that are going to be learned about in this reading are the exact opposite, these camps only terrorize, safety is never an option, death is the only answer, and parents would never want their kids to go to through all of this torture and fear. Auschwitz known as the term for the largest camps during the Holocaust was a complex of camps from concentration, forced-labor to death camps. There were three main areas from the many camps including: Auschwitz I, Auschwitz II (Birkenau),
I hear the familiar voice of our officer yelling at us (Châtel). That means another day; another long, painful and exhausting day. Today is different though. Everyone has an odd sense of urgency. I walk over to my mom.