
Daddy By Sylvia Plath Analysis

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The poem “Daddy” by Sylvia Plath is about a depressed anti-fascist girl with serious daddy issues. She compares her relationship between her and her father to Jews and Nazis although, she was not a Jew and her father was not a Nazis. Despite the seemingly sweet and affectionate title of “Daddy” the poem is very dark, sad and full of hate. This poem has sixteen five-line stanzas and appears to be about Plath’s dead father. Plath uses things that most people dislike and or fear like Vampires and Hitler to better explain to the readers her pain possibly to gain sympathizers. Using the holocaust as a metaphor to her father-daughter relationship might have been a little extreme but it must have been an accurate depiction of her true feelings being that she killed herself shortly after writing the poem. Her husband leaving might have also contributed to her suicide and her depressing hate filled poem. Plath uses the holocaust, dark imagery and many metaphors to describe how she feels about her abusive relationship with her father and as a way to express her feelings and troubled. There are many metaphors throughout the poem describing how Plath views her father and their relationship. She says her father is a “black shoe” and she has “lived like a foot” (Plath 991) afraid to even breath basically saying that he has smothered her with fear and she is afraid to act. Also, comparing her father to a German soldier guarding her in a concentration camp in stanza six comparing the feeling of confinement by her father to a Jew in a camp. In stanza seven Plath compares her father to a train hauling her off to a camp like a Jew helpless with no control of the impending outcome just along for the ride. In stanza nine her father is compared to Adolf Hitler whom many compare to the devil. Comparing her father to Hitler is very extreme and shows just how much disgust she had for her father and how evil she thought he was. In stanza ten the father is a fascist brute. Maybe saying he was a fascist brute was saying that he was without question in charge and had total authority over her and was the sole source of her troubles even after his death. In stanza fifteen and sixteen he is a vampire sucking the blood or

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