
Dangers Of Night Driving

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Regardless of how the weather is, night driving can be extremely hazardous. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 49% of fatal accidents occur at night. The night-time can pose many challenges such as: restrictions in our depth perception, color recognition, and peripheral vision. Stay safe on the road when night falls by keeping these 5 safety tips in mind.

1. Get a good night's sleep
Feeling fatigue and tired while driving through what may seem like an abyss of darkness, is the formula for a disaster waiting to happen. Sleep deprivation decreases your reaction time, judgment and decision making ability, which may play a role in behavior that can lead to fatal crashes. Hence, be well rested before going on a night time excursion. If you begin to feel sleepy, stop for a little while at a well-lit area. This is a good way to stay refreshed before heading back onto the road.
2. Don't stare directly at the lights
It can be very tempting to look at the oncoming headlights but staring will impair your night vision for a while. Instead, slow down and try to steer your eyes towards the left side of the oncoming vehicle to avoid being temporarily blinded by another driver's headlights. At times, the other vehicles may have their bright headlights on, feel free to signal them that it is impairing your vision but do not put your bright lights on just to get back at them. This would run the risk of you blinding them and increase the chances for a head-on

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