
Daphnia Thermotactic Reaction

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The results of the study found that there was a significant difference in Daphnia’s response when exposed to a cold stimulus in the form of crushed ice, compared to room temperature water. Thus, the null hypothesis was rejected and the alternate hypothesis was accepted. These findings could be due to the fact that Daphnia magna are cold blooded and were trying to swim away from the ice cubes that were attached to the bottom of the mesocosm opposite to the counting area. These results support the idea that Daphnia experience a negative thermotactic reaction when exposed to colder water compared to room temperature water.

When compared to a similar study, a similar conclusion was made. In a study conducted by Gerristen, he studied if Daphnia would experience a positive or a negative thermotactic reaction when exposed to a variety of different temperatures. Once the experiment was completed, Gerristen was able to conclude that the Daphnia did indeed experience a negative thermotactic reaction and swam away from the cold stimuli. He claimed that these results were due to the Daphnia’s natural instinct to seek warmer water (Gerristen 1982). …show more content…

These findings were consistent with Gerristen’s findings. In another experiment though, he placed a hormone that is created by the Daphnia’s natural predator to simulate that there was a predator in the mesocosm. Glaholt determined that Daphnia would swim deeper into the cold water to avoid the hormone of their predator (Glaholt et al. 2016). A future study can be conducted to allow a better understanding of Daphnia, and how far they are willing to go to avoid

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