
Data Collection Procedures Should Be Used For Measure One Independent Variable And One Dependent Variable

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Data Collection Procedures In the proposed study, two tools will be utilized to measure one independent variable and one dependent variable outlined below. Independent Variable Adolescents’ with Borderline Personality Disorder exposure to the therapeutic group offering CBT is the independent variable of the study, and will be measured by assessing the client’s demographic and diagnoses in order to determine which clients are diagnosed with BPD. The independent variable will also be measured by the client’s history of treatments, goals, onset of diagnosis, and overall character while in the program. We will test our independent variable by simply reviewing their files and their ability to be a participant within the study. Dependent Variable The dependent variable in this study is the coping that adolescent group home members have been exposed to during treatment. The variable of coping is described as adolescent’s utilizing CBT in order to change their thoughts before following through with negative behaviors. Our hypothesis aims to measure the effectiveness of learning positive coping skills. For example, when an adolescent becomes stressed or begin to feel emotions such as anger or rage, they can reflect back on interventions covered within the group. Interventions discussed in the group can include meditation, keeping a record of how they are feeling emotionally and what they feel like doing at that moment, using a breathing method, or engaging in music therapy.

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