
Dating From The Dynastic Period Of Egypt

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Adrian Buritica Deborah Cibelli Art 280_4M 11 November 2015 (Title) Dating from the Dynastic Period of Egypt (3000-2938 BCE), the Narmer Pallet is one of the most important archeological findings to date. Previous to king Narmer, Lower and Upper Egypt were divided and frequently at war with each other. The common belief of most historians is that the unification of Lower and Upper Egypt was due to the influence and propaganda of King Narmer and his court. On one side of the palette, king Narmer is pictured with the bulbed-white crown of Upper Egypt, while on the other side, it portrays the king wearing the crown of Lower Egypt, the papyrus. Illustrating one of the earliest known characterizations of an Egyptian king, the palette has be …show more content…

The Palette, which has survived five millennia in almost perfect condition, was discovered by British archeologists James E. Quibell and Frederick W. Green, in what they called the Main Deposit in the Temple of Horus at Nekhen, during the dig season of 1897–1898. Also found at this dig were the Narmer Macehead and the Scorpion Macehead. The exact place and circumstances of these finds were not recorded very clearly by Quibell and Green. In fact, Green 's report placed the Palette in a different layer one or two yards away from the deposit, which is considered to be more accurate on the basis of the original excavation notes. It has been suggested that these objects would have been royal donations made to the temple. There are debates amongst scholars as to whether king Narmer acted alone in his unification efforts. It is proposed that Narmer’s predecessor Menes started the process of unification of which Narmer completed. Some scholars believe that Menes and Narmer were the same person. The unification of Egypt was may have not been the doing of just a single man, but, like most important historical events, was a long process of time and evolution, of which alliances and marriages were involved. "Replacée dans cette analyse, l 'unification apparaît moins comme une conquête que comme un phénomène d 'assimilation du Nord par le Sud; mais dans ce processus la guerre constitue l ' une des composantes. Parce qu 'elle est valorisante pour le vainqueur, elle sera exaltée

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