
Nefertiti Bust Analysis

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The cultural artifact that I propose to study is a bust of Queen Nefertiti, who was the Royal Wife of the Pharaoh Akhenaten. The bust is said to be painted with stucco-coated limestone, created in 1345 B.C by Thutmose who was a talented sculptor. The bust was discovered in 1912 in Thutmose’s workshop by Ludwig Borchardt and his archaeological team. The bust had many owners in Germany throughout the years, however, it is currently on display at the Neues Museum in Berlin. The Nefertiti bust is a cultural phenomenon, especially for ancient Egypt as well as Berlin. Germany had the bust for over a century now and it has been their pride and joy. The argument between Egypt and Germany over the bust has been going on for decades. Egypt believes that the bust belongs to them and that it was taken …show more content…

In addition, the artifact was created by limestone which was then protected with modelled gypsum. The bust was created with only eye that was ornamented with crystal and the pupil has black wax. The second eye was never finished with the crystal and wax. The paint that was used in the bust as well shows us clues on its age, which seems to reinforce the idea that it is authentic. However, others say that it is not an authentic example of Egyptian sculptures because of the constant debate concerning the bust having only one eye, decorated and how the ancient Egyptians would have considered this to be the ultimate form of disrespect towards their queen. Another theory that circulated regarding the bust being a fake was Henri Stielin a Swiss art historian proposed that Nefertiti’s shoulders were designed vertically and that normally the ancient Egyptians cut shoulders horizontally for their busts which means that it does not seem to follow the usual expectations or ideas that some people might have of Egyptian

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