
Dave Benfield Case Study

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Dave Benfield has worked with the Wayne County commissioners for years, so why did he feel the need to introduce himself earlier this week? Benfield’s interactions with the commissioners in the past came when he was associate director of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Since Steve Slack’s retirement, Benfield is now director of Ohio State University’s Wooster campus and wanted to schedule a formal meeting. Benfield, joined by Associate Director Rhonda Billman, BioHio Research Park President Shauna Brummet and Brian Gwin, who handles special projects for Benfield’s office, updated commissioners Jim Carmichael, Ann Obrecht and Scott Wiggam about upcoming changes for OARDC and the Agricultural Technical Institute. The meeting was a …show more content…

During this reenvisioning, the goal was not to reduce the number of workers. There could be reduction in personnel over time due to attrition, but Billman said there has really not been a reduction in workers. With the changes, Billman said the university is looking to find some economies of scale and efficiencies. OARDC and ATI each had their own facility crews and land crews. “We’re working toward a one-team crew,” Benfield said. Additionally, the two entities also have their own equipment. Money can be saved in this area, as well as in insurance. As the transition moves forward, there are still some questions about who will become dean of the college. Hendrick is leaving for Michigan State University. McPheron is being considered for the provost position; if he does not get appointed permanently to the position, then returning as dean is a possibility. A permanent associate dean of research and graduation will likely not be named until a permanent dean is in place. All of this could take up to 18 months or more. “Our goal is to forge ahead; we’re not going to let that slow us down,” Benfield said. “The research is continuing. We are not worrying about who’s in

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