Dave Benfield has worked with the Wayne County commissioners for years, so why did he feel the need to introduce himself earlier this week? Benfield’s interactions with the commissioners in the past came when he was associate director of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Since Steve Slack’s retirement, Benfield is now director of Ohio State University’s Wooster campus and wanted to schedule a formal meeting. Benfield, joined by Associate Director Rhonda Billman, BioHio Research Park President Shauna Brummet and Brian Gwin, who handles special projects for Benfield’s office, updated commissioners Jim Carmichael, Ann Obrecht and Scott Wiggam about upcoming changes for OARDC and the Agricultural Technical Institute. The meeting was a …show more content…
During this reenvisioning, the goal was not to reduce the number of workers. There could be reduction in personnel over time due to attrition, but Billman said there has really not been a reduction in workers. With the changes, Billman said the university is looking to find some economies of scale and efficiencies. OARDC and ATI each had their own facility crews and land crews. “We’re working toward a one-team crew,” Benfield said. Additionally, the two entities also have their own equipment. Money can be saved in this area, as well as in insurance. As the transition moves forward, there are still some questions about who will become dean of the college. Hendrick is leaving for Michigan State University. McPheron is being considered for the provost position; if he does not get appointed permanently to the position, then returning as dean is a possibility. A permanent associate dean of research and graduation will likely not be named until a permanent dean is in place. All of this could take up to 18 months or more. “Our goal is to forge ahead; we’re not going to let that slow us down,” Benfield said. “The research is continuing. We are not worrying about who’s in
Brian Ducre was arrested by DPS Capitol Detail and booked into EBRPP on May 5, 2016 at 7:58 a.m. on charges of Disturbing the Peace and Obscenity. Ducre was released on May 15, 2016 at 11:52 a.m. after he was pronounced dead.
|Conference. Robert Pease came up with the idea to hire Mike Eichler who would help with building new community organizations in Mon Valley. |
WHEREAS, Sam’s admirable career began on March 5, 1990, as Project Inspector for Public Works, he was transferred to the Department of General Services as a Project Inspector I in 2009. His position was later reclassified to Quality Control Coordinator, where he remained until his retirement. Sam has provided reliable and exemplary service during his career; thereby gaining tremendous respect, trust, and admiration from Calvert County Citizens, Contractors, and fellow constituents
Ben Feisty, aged 18, captain of the Beenleigh Buffalos team reportedly hit a referee on Sunday November 13th at a rugby league game against the Southport Sharks.
* Adjusting the workforce in response to changing demand eliminates some of the limitations of Production Plan 2
As many of you may know, Mount St. Mary’s University has gone through transformative changes. Many of these changes have challenged the very structure of the university we applied to. President Simon Newman and his administration have taken strides to encourage the Mount community to respect the coming changes. We are told that these changes are necessary for the Mount to become “Mount 2.0.” Though we recognize that change is demanding and testing, we also understand that change is crucial for growth. Amongst these changes that are happening, the Mount is in search for a new Dean of Students. To our astonishment, the current Interim Dean of Students, Ken McVearry, is not being considered for the search. Dean McVearry not only assumed the position
The primordial beast calls with great force over mind and body from within the soul. Throughout the story, but mostly towards the end, the primordial beast, which is Buck’s natural instincts inside him from his ancestors, begins to surface in Buck. Buck is taken to a place where his ancestors would live and he begins to live more and more like a wild dog, like his ancestors. He learned the ways of the wild, and by the end of the book Buck has gone from a peaceful and friendly domestic dog to a wild animal who leaves his life with humans and goes out into the forest to live with a pack of wolves. For “the call” beckons Buck to live like his ancestors.
Turning to the final events that resulted in the Complainant being pulled from service, once again no records were located he sought any accommodation much less had one approved through the appropriate channels. Complainant was removed from service on September 28, 2015 after reporting to work with his service/comfort dog, Jack Jr. Complainant was sent home per instructions from Roger Lambert, Superintendent, Western Transportation Region. Due to the safety critical nature of the position of Engineer as previously discussed in this position statement, Complainant was removed from service. Lambert had just discovered that a service/companion animal was in the rail yard. Lambert, who had been in his position since October 1, 2014, was unaware of any accommodation that had been provided to Birchfield. Lambeth explained all accommodations would be funneled through him. Prior to Lambeth tenure, Rod Doerr, who is currently Vice President of Safety and Chief Safety Officer, was the Superintendent, for Transportation in Colton, CA. Doerr denied that he approved an accommodation for the Complainant. Doerr affirmed that he would have been the individual notified should an accommodation been approved when he was Superintendent in 2013.
Throughout his life Dr. Seuss became a well known child writer. He used various books to bring awareness to bring attention to different problems in the environment. One good example is The Lorax. It shows how one human finds something he can make out of trees, but does not conserve or preserve. He just uses as many trees as he wants because of how many there are. Eventually, it caught up to him. He ran out of trees and with this he ran out of money. Without trees, the town had to run on artificial air because the trees could not produce it. From this lesson, the public could learn as well. Although this book is intended for kids, mature audiences can find a lesson in it as well.
In a public statement the board said they are, “committed to following an appropriate process, to conducting the search carefully, and to finding the best possible Superintendent for Pickens
In addition, the communication channels are kept clear in the team (Cameron, Harbison, Lambert & Dickson, 2012). In the case of any problem or issue, every team member is free to direct it to the right. Hence, a lot of conflicts are avoided.
On September 26th, the world got a glimpse of who could potentially be the next U.S. head of state. This inside look came from the first of three presidential debates, moderated by NBC news anchor Lester Holt, in which the Democratic and Republican parties displayed their representative candidates. The Democratic choice is Hillary Clinton, the previous Secretary of State, Senator of New York, and First Lady to Bill Clinton. Her Republican opponent is business tycoon Donald Trump. Mr. Trump is well known for his vast real estate business spanning Europe, Asia, North and South America, his infamous reality T.V. show The Apprentice, and his notoriously unpredictable, larger-than-life personality in the media. However, Hillary Clinton proved to have a better economic stance for the upcoming presidency as she proposed fiscally responsible plans for improving the United States’ economy during the debate last week. Some of these plans include investments into the middle class, increasing the minimum wage, and waging a higher tax rate, which would be more proportional on the upper classes income.
together the outcome will be better than it would otherwise have been with any one party working alone.
On the morning of May 7th, 2000 the murder of Mary Ann Stephens occurred. She was a tourist to Jacksonville, Florida along with her husband. The two were staying at the Ramada Inn Hotel and had just came from breakfast when they were approached by a young black man who held them at gunpoint, took Mrs. Stephens' purse then proceeded to shoot her between the eyes. When the police first arrived, the elderly woman's body was several inches away from the path on which her and her husband were walking along to get back to their room. Her body was strewn across the grass, covered in blood with the bullet and it's wound being clearly visible to the naked eye. This case became controversial and it is believed that there was racial
However, this move is not always a wise one because when an enterprise has fewer workers it would reduce its productivity which would mean more