
David Dorfman Research Paper

Decent Essays

Ever since I had started my studies a UA-Little Rock, my artistic goals has been refined, but I still like to stay true to what I love. This go around, my artistic goals are about exploring the human emotions and many different ways of investigating it through movement, spoken text and improvisation. I am dancer, but I am also an actor who loves to explore and integrate both into one. David Dorfman is a prime example to what I enjoy, but I am trying to still like an artist and make it my own. I am loving my dance history class and one of many things I have learned is that everyone is a dancer. The amount of years of training doesn’t make you a dancer. In my lifetime, I want to explore working with actor in way of having them find the voice in their bodies. As far as my educational goals, being in my differing general classes, I am learning more about the world. That’s being broad. Being in the knowledge about history, the anatomy, and good writing skills would only improve and help me with my artistic goals. …show more content…

I dance every day, I read every night, I study every day, I rehearse every day, and I live the best I can every moment of my life. This constant rotation is continuously happening, I have no choice but to develop my approach in how I view my artistic and educational goals. I’ve grown more as a person, learning how to deal with issues while still staying sane. Being here getting a B.F.A degree thus far, has helped me grown in how I think, view dance, and how I study. Again I can never say the program has changed me, I will never change, but the program has helped me grow and improve in what I already

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