
David Foster Wallace's The End Of The Tour

Decent Essays

The fictitious Infinite Jest is considered to be one of the greatest novels ever created. It stemmed from the mind of the brilliant, yet complicated David Foster Wallace – who, for better or worse, would change the dynamic in which we (whether you know it or not) digest and interpret entertainment. David Foster Wallace was an intelligent, self-motivated individual that brought the complex inner thoughts of the human mind to the forefront throughout his body of literary work – establishing human reactions and emotions (on the pages) in a unique manner that has fundamentally dubbed to be a genius of his generation. And, in 1996, David Foster Wallace garner enough attention that Rolling Stone magazine sent one of its writers, David Lipsky, to delve into the psyche of Wallace. The five day interaction between Wallace and Lipsky would be chronicled in a book, Although of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself, authored by Lipsky – and now again cinematically in the new drama, The End of the Tour. Directed by James Ponsoldt (The Spectacular Now), Then End of the Tour stars Jesse Eisenberg as David Lipsky – a writer that …show more content…

Although early tendencies tend to imply this a bromance in the making, it’s more of a drama about one man wanting what the other man has, while the other man simply wants more than what he does have. It’s a vague notion, to be sure – but it should inspire you to invest in viewing one of the most satisfying dramas of 2015. In the end, Jason Segel and Jesse Eisenberg deliver flawless performances, all thanks to up-and-coming director James Ponsoldt – who has proven to be a commanding presence behind the camera. Combined, these three men bring an emotionally charged, compelling story to the big screen – and deserve endless praise for their gallant

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