Is there a purpose in life or reason certain events occur? In the novel Unwind, Neal Shusterman gives a unique perspective of Levi Calder, a main character in the work that embarks on a journey to find his purpose. Throughout the novel Levi becomes the most important protagonist out of the three main characters and helps lead to the climax of the work. As Levi’s journey continues, the truth of his own life is revealed, and he pushes the boundaries for his future fate. Levi Calder is most important main character out of the three and drives the plot to the climax by being the most dynamic character.
Levi was born to die. He is a tithe, which means his parents had ten children, with the intention of donating one child to the church. Since
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By the time Levi is left by himself without Connor and Risa, he meets Cy-Fi. Once he starts traveling with Cy-Fi he becomes more of a dynamic character. One way Shusterman explains is, “All his life he’d worn white-a pristine absence of color that defined him- but now there was no comfort in wearing it.” (128). As Levi leans towards surviving he knows he must push the boundaries. The absence of color seems to complement Lev's personality, but as he starts to find his identity, his clothes get colored in, too. His emotions and character traits start to change more as he travels to survive, because Shusterman is using the dirt from Levi’s coat to show his downfall. At the end of the novel Levi goes from being a tithe to being a clapper, a form of suicide bomber. After arriving at the camp Levi is determined he must save his peers, Connor and Risa, before they are unwound. Throughout the novel Levi realizes he should never have betrayed Connor and Risa and wants to make things right. Another way the author explains is, “No matter how hard he tries, no matter how much his mind wants to end this here and now, another part of him-a stronger part of him- refuses to let him clap his hands together”(Shusterman310). In the novel Levi wanted to make sure Connor and Risa get exactly what they deserved. Levi keeps his word, except at the end of the
America’s answer for dealing with crime prevention is locking up adult offenders in correctional facilities with little rehabilitation for reentry into society. American response for crime prevention for juvenile’s offenders is the same strategy used against adult offenders taken juvenile offenders miles away from their environment and placed in adult like prisons.
In Larry Lankton’s text, “Beyond the Boundaries” we gradually enter an unknown world that is frightening yet filled with immense beauty for miles. Due to the copper mining industry, a gradual increase of working class men and their families start to migrate to the unknown world with unsteady emotion, yet hope for a prosperous new life. In “Beyond the Boundaries”, Lankton takes us on a journey on how the “world below” transformed the upper peninsula into a functional and accepted new part of the world.
Primo Levi has a couple quotes in chapter two, “On the Bottom,” that stand out and have significant importance to them. In Chapter two, Primo Levi talks about the numbers being tattooed on his arm and what it means to him. Primo Levi says “I have learnt that I am Haftling. My number is 174517; we have been baptized, we will carry the tattoo on our left arm until we die” (Levi 27). This quote had many importances to it. First, Levi says how they have just been
In his book Collapse, Jared Diamond gives you an in depth look at societies you may or may not be familiar with and shows you the secrets to their success or failure using his personal 5-point framework. I enjoyed this book and thought he made a lot of good points and had convincing evidence to back it up. While reading you could really tell he knew a lot about the areas he discussed because of the depth he went into with details and descriptions. One complaint I would have about the book is the length he went to in the detailed descriptions, at some points I felt he went too far and got a little wordy and with as much as he gave you are left with almost no questions or curiosity. There were a few terms he uses in the book like
The survivors were so used to living and sleeping with corpses that they too felt that their own soul was no longer with them. It was very difficult for Jews to recuperate from the racial purification attempts of the Holocaust, but those who showed hope and perseverance through theses grueling times were able to regain their life and self worth. Throughout Levi’s reawakening, he met very extraordinary people, many of whom are survivors of the Holocaust just like him. These people can be seen as a symbol in Levi’s reawakening helping him establish new life after liberation. Jews are deeply hated amongst the European nation and Levi encounters three authority figures they guide him with rules that he must abide in order to escape detestation. During a walk along the churches of Cracow, Levi came across the first authority figure, a priest. They carried the most “extravagant and chaotic conversation in Latin.” (Levi, 50) At the end of their encounter the priest advises Levi not to speak German in public. The second authority figure that Levi encountered was a lawyer traveling through Treblinka. He was a Polish man but he could speak German as well. Like the priest, he also advised Levi not to speak German in public. A police officer, the third figure of authority in Levi’s reawakening, showed compassion towards Levi and offered him “a night in warmth, in jail.”
As the world around the authors begins to collapse, they are faced with evil and the uncertainty of whether to face the events with optimism or pessimism. Levi begins his experience on a more negative note as he describes what it's like to be on the bottom. “I have learnt that I am haftling. My number is 174517,” (page 27). Levi has lost hope in his own identity. He isn't optimistic or pessimistic, he is indifferent because he feels he is no longer a man, but a property of the Nazis. Levi also demonstrates negativity during his stay at Ka-Be. As he sits and watches the Jews do their usual morning ritual and march he describes how the Germans
In the book Levi mentions a man named Elias, who is a cunning thief and adept worker: ?? who is this man Elias. If he is a madman, incomprehensible and para-human, who ended up in the Lager by chance. If he is a atavism, different from our modern world, and better adapted to the primordial conditions of
Do you think that you could live on your intelligence and strengths and nobody’s else? Do you think that you would survive alone? This is the main focus of the intriguing novel Hatchet, by Gary Paulsen. After being the only survivor of a plane crash, the main character Brian finds himself alone in the Canadian Wilderness and survives completely on his own for 54 days. For Brian, this was a life changing experience, throughout the novel Brian develops as a person. Brian became stronger both physically and mentally from these changes and they helped him to survive. Overall, the main ways in which Brian changed throughout the novel is in the fact that he became a more independent, hard working individual, and these developments were all
Trauma is an experience of such intensity, that it overwhelms the boundaries of the self. The intensity of trauma might indeed overwhelm psychological resources, fragmenting the idea of the ego and altering the ability to sense self, and distinguish reality from fragmented reality. From such trauma many issues may arise, including psychosis. Psychosis is characterised by an impaired relationship with reality and can be seen through a depressed mood, anxiety, suspiciousness or paranoia, withdrawal from family and friends, and hallucinations. Psychosis could mean a complete loss in being able to distinguish between truth and reality, and losing a sense of self. Literary works, through different literary elements can shape the meaning of
Peter Yates’s, Breaking Away, takes place in Bloomington, Indiana which is the home of Indiana University at Bloomington. Throughout the movie, the college students and the residents of Bloomington, who are known as “Cutters”, constantly have a feud between each other. One scene in particular illustrates the differences between the two groups. One night Mike, Cyril, and Moocher went to a restaurant and bowling alley on campus because Mike insisted to get revenge on the college students who hurt Cyril. Coincidentally, Dave was on a date with Katherine at the same time his friends were there.
The classic definition for culture was proposed by Tylor (1871/1958) and still commonly cited: Culture is “that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, arts, morals, law, custom, and many other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society” (p. 1). This definition focuses on attributes that are acquired through growing up or living in a particular society, rather than through biological inheritance (Kottak, 2002). In Giger and Davidhizar’s (1991) Model for transcultural care, culture was defined as a patterned behavioral response that develops over time as a result of imprinting the mind through social and religious structures and intellectual and artistic manifestations.
“Three Teens, one terrifying process” occurs in, Unwind, by Neal Shusterman. Unwind, a process done in a harvest camp where children are split into parts but without technically killing them, 99% of their body are kept alive and used as donor parts. Connor, a troublesome 17 year old with repeated delinquent behaviours. Risa, a ward of the state but due to budget cut, was scheduled to be unwound. Lev, a tithe who believed all his life he was a blessing for God. They are destined to be unwound but they are like no other unwind. They blew up the harvest camp a day before Connor was scheduled to be unwound and became a legend to all unwinds.
The novel “End of Days” by Eric Walters starts off with a Soviet satellite’s travels. It first traveled to Jupiter and eventually left our solar system. The satellite reached a huge asteroid with the diameter of 500 kilometers roughly 1/6 the diameter of the moon. The satellite orbited the asteroid, just by accident the satellite’s messages were received on earth. Those messages revealed that the satellite was on its way home and the asteroid was coming with it. If it hit earth all of life on earth cease, if it missed then the earth would be pushed too close to the sun and life would never be able to survive on Earth again. An organization called the International Aerospace Research Institute planned to use the nuclear weapons of every nuclear-capable
Relationships between characters are essential to all types of literature, because they further the larger purpose for the piece of literature. The Canterbury Tales is a collection of wonderfully written, world renowned twenty-four stories that runs to over seventeen thousand lines written in Middle English by Geoffrey Chaucer. In 1386, Geoffrey Chaucer became Controller of Customs and Justice of Peace and then three short years later in 1389, Chaucer became the Clerk of the King's work. It was during these early years that Chaucer began working on his most famous text, The Canterbury Tales. The tales are presented as part of a story-telling contest by a group of pilgrims as they travel together on a journey from London to Canterbury in order to visit the shrine of Saint Thomas Becket at Canterbury Cathedral.
‘Feeding on Fantasy’ is an article written by Lev Grossman. Lev Grossman was born in 1969, in Lexington, MA. Both of his parents were English professors, so he has always read a lot, especially in graduate school. He is himself a novelist, with several books at the number one spot on the New York Times bestseller list. He has also studied literature, just like his parents, and is now an experienced book critic at ‘Time Magazine’.