
David Madando's Tsotsi Is Guilty

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Your honors, were here today on David Madando case of being guilty charged with participant of Murdered, known as Tsotsi. Tsotsi is guilty because he knew what he was going to do and had things planned out already. He knew what he was doing in the first place, Tsotsi stated to his gang member, “The trains he said let's take one on the trains”. (Fugard 4) , Tsotsi´s talking about killing and robbing someone on the train, which shows he planned the attack. Additionally, he decided to harm Boston; Fugard said, ¨He opened his mouth to yawn but instead a cry came out and when that, he bought one of his arms down in a wide…, catching Boston full on the parted lip with his clenched fist¨.(Fugard 26) Tsotsi is guilty because he threaten boston and

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