
A Reflection Of Observation To A Magistrates Court

Decent Essays

We attended the ACT Magistrates Court on 6th October 2017. We observed a criminal case. This was our first time visiting the court. The historical coach wood and jarrah timber within the structure of the courtroom represented authority and tradition. The high ceilings and the overall architecture instilled a sense of power and security. This was what we expected. We were excited to be in the midst of the rights, privileges and responsibilities of the Australian Judicial System. The court personnel present: Magistrate The Magistrates’ role was to hear the evidence of distinct cases, criminal or civil matters and decide whether the accused is guilty or not guilty to an offence as charged and decide the penalty that will be given to those that are found guilty or plead guilty to an offence. Moreover, the Magistrate determined whether a case should go to a different court or to adjourn the case to another date. The Bench Clerk The Clerk was performing various administrative tasks instructed by the Magistrate. Prior to the Magistrates’ arrival, The Clerk ensured that the courtroom was in order. As we sat down in the public gallery, he approached and asked if we had visited for observational purposes. His role also included examining and assembling legal documents and materials that were required for the proceedings to take place. In addition, the clerk reviewed and identified documents from each party before handing them over to the Magistrate. He was assisting in the

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