
Daycare Fee

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Article1 Daycare fee sticker shock linked to minimum wage hike Source: Toronto star Published: Jan. 14, 2018 Part A summary The article mainly enters on high cost of child care fee which commences to increase for some Toronto-area inhabited families and ones across the Toronto areas, especially middle class families in that upper classes take daycare for granted while financial difficult families get economical support from government, with middle echelon left helplessly in the middle of nowhere. Some parents involved aired their gripe that as the daycare fee is rising, they do not get anything good from the provincial funding, still, those parents show their concerns about transparency of the distribution of the founding. The daycare center …show more content…

In her perspective, inadequate consultation of parents will cause infuriation and parents will have a voice in curriculum updates. Indira Naidoo-Harris, Education Minister warned about going back on sex-ed changes, and expressed that we can ill afford the side effects accompanying this changes when it comes to students safety and well-being, Perspective/purpose The perspective of this articles is intended for parents, children and authorities concerned. The purpose of goal of the author in writing this article is to categorize different opinions on what degree the parental consultation should get involved to when it comes to sex-ed. Personal reflections: Sex-ed is very important in children’s life. It could help children develop a health relationship in the future, and also could avoid risks. Parents’ support is essential for the quality education. Some parents may disagree about same-sex relationships or gender identity due to their different cultural and religion . Government could share more information to parents. Laws: Ontario's Radical Sex Ed Curriculum in …show more content…

81 Provision of Health Support Services in School Settings P/PM No. 140 Incorporating Methods of Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) P/PM No. 149 Protocol for Partnerships with External Agencies for Provision of Services by Regulated Health Professionals, Regulated Social Service Professionals, and Paraprofessionals Part C: Advocacy strategy Create special needs aware day/month As an educator, I would create special needs aware day to support children with special needs. During the day, educator could invite co-works and parents together join the activity, share special needs books and movies.This strategy could help people have more knowledge in special needs

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