
Dbq Louisiana Purchase

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Thomas Jefferson was a firm believer in limited government on a personal level, but he pushed his personal opinions to the side in realization that the future of the nation should be put first. He accomplished this by the purchase of the Louisiana territory. This purchase from France, whom Thomas Jefferson had close diplomatic ties, added a massive amount of land for the rapidly growing American population to grow on. Although he was not actually a framer of the Constitution, he was actively involved in politics that led up to these matters. Jefferson recognized that although not all things were explicitly described in the Constitution, the president has the power to take matters into his/her own hands and help to guide the country to growth and prosperity. This purchase is also an example of the president using the power vested in them by the constitution to form a treaty with a two-thirds vote in the Senate. “On October 20, 1803, the Senate approved for ratification a treaty with France by which the United States purchased the Louisiana Territory. As a result of this treaty, the nation doubled in size” (“The Senate Approves for Ratification the Louisiana Purchase Treaty”).
The traditional era is the …show more content…

There was a push and a general following of limited government intervention in the founding of the United States. FDR and his New Deal plans, and the growth of federal spending worked as a bailout, but the program was a short-term fix that was too expensive to continue for as long as it has. Such ideas need end dates and budgetary discretion must be accounted for. Johnson overreached the American prowess into battles that it did not need to be involved in. Nixon as the face of the United States should have set an example for the country. Instead of focusing on the nation Nixon was more worried about his opposition in an upcoming

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