
How Did Thomas Jefferson Loose The Power Of Government

Decent Essays

Thomas Jefferson, as a founder of the Republican party, believed that the power of government should be interpreted strictly by following the Constitution. He rejected the Federalist belief that certain powers were implied in the constitution. If it was not clearly stated in the Constitution, it was not authorized. By being under a strict interpretation of the Constitution, a tyrannical form of government could be avoided. The central government should have limited powers because a strong central government would limit the state’s rights, therefore a weak central government was needed to do so. Through this Democratic form of government, the role of the national government would be limited, the states would have more power; therefore, power would come from the people enabling the protection of the rights of citizens. …show more content…

He could not pass up a great opportunity of new land being added to their nation. This deal turned out to be one of the greatest real estate purchases ever made. It would double the size of the United States, make westward expansion possible, remove European presence, and supply more resources. However, being a strict Constitutionalist, Jefferson faced the conflict of the negotiation’s constitutionality. If Jefferson chose to go through with the Purchase, he would be abandoning his beliefs and implying that the Federalists’ idea of a loose interpretation of the constitution was the correct way to govern. Thereby, Jefferson would have to take a broader view of the Constitution, an idea that he strictly opposed. As a result of the Purchase, Jefferson lost his principals: strict constitutionalism and state’s rights for the country’s

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