
Dbq Reconstruction

Decent Essays

The United States was a very divided country between the North and the South in the 19th century. “Reconstruction was a vicious and destructive experience, a period where when vindictive Northerners inflicted humiliation and revenge on the divided south” (Brinkley 351). During the time of reconstruction, President Lincoln and Andrew Johnson had large plans for the country but shortly took a sharp turn of the unexpected, radicals put in the Black Codes and amendments into the law, and the south had “redeemed” itself and began to rebuild. The government had multiple plans for reconstruction and President Lincoln had one in specific. He favored a policy that “Southern white unionists (former Whigs) could become the nucleus of the new loyal state …show more content…

Black codes, amendments, and new congressional bills were all key factors in the start of the “rebuilding” phase. Johnsons plan for reconstruction was followed until December of 1865 when congressed refused his new idea and created a joint committee to frame a policy of their own. Black codes were one of the first “laws” put into order. These codes were “allowing authorization to local officials to apprehend unemployed black, fine them for vagrancy and hire them to private employers to satisfy fines” (Brinkley 358). Johnson did not approve of black laws because they were basically reselling them [African Americans] into being slaves again. Congress overrode Johnson’s veto and soon after this congress did approve the fourteenth amendment. The 14th amendment was the first constitutional definition of American citizenship; “All who were born in the United States and naturalized was automatically a citizen and entitled to all privileges” (Brinkley 359). President Jackson was not the president everyone had faith in. He went behind the backs of the trustful Americans and was still administering his reconstruction programs. In early 1867, the states began looking for evidence and plans to remove him from office. The impeachment process began shortly after they found key evidence to support their reasoning of impeachment. “The vote was 35 to 19 and was one vote short for the 2/3 majority” (Brinkley …show more content…

The compromise of 1877 was supposed to shape the south but it failed in stabilizing the republicans. However, with the democrats the south found ways to stabilize and change some past lifestyles. The economy started to grow with the textile industry expanding drastically. Railroad expansion was quickly to follow and was another incredible development in the new south. The expansion of the railroad allowed goods to be transported easier and quicker. As we continued to battle for the country, the men had to go fight and the women had to take over jobs to support the families. Women became a huge part in the workforce, which kept the economy growing and giving the females more rights. As the country kept growing in a positive direction, the white southerners never accepted racial equality and made that very clear in the government. “Laws restricting the franchise and segregating schools were only part of a network of state and local statues- known as the Jim Crow Laws” (Brinkley

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