
Deadly Love Article: Romanticized Domestic Violence

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Romanticized Domestic Violence, and all forms of Dating Violence are some very crucial, and critical commodities that unfortunately plague our societies today. According to Timmons, “…dating behaviors and dating violence are entrenched in the various media that surround our daily lives…” (Timmons, 1). Victims’ include countless Men, Women, and LGBTQ individuals, and can come/be seen in many forms. For example, according to Collins & Carmody (the authors of the Deadly Love article) romanticized domestic violence can come in the forms of Physical, Emotional, Sexual, Financial, and Psychological abuse. They also state reasons for this violence. Those reasons include (and as briefly stated), the varying content of different media types such as, …show more content…

Their relationship is one that can also be seen early in the series, but also at later times within it too. Also, I would just like to note that the relationship between Sam and Sookie is one that is not as forward as the others, and is very brief and spiritic when it does occur. Most of the time it is just him (Sam) chasing after her (Sookie) because, he’s always wanted a relationship with her but she’s always been interested in someone else. However, even though her sights are normally always set on someone else, Sam still finds a way to keep an eye on her; what I mean by this is that he essentially stalks her. He is able to stalk her without her knowing because, he is a shape-shifter (which means he can shift into many different types of animals or in some cases people) and can change forms quickly and with ease. According to Douglas and Dutton, the “Classification(s) of stalking generally require repeated direct or indirect acts of the following, communicating, besetting, watching, contacting, and threatening in such a way to cause the victim to fear, on reasonable grounds, for his or her safety.” (Douglas and Dutton, “Assessing the Link between Stalking and Domestic Violence”). For example, during one of the episode’s in the first or second seasons, Sookie was in some hot water, and Bill was staying with her to “protect” her, Sam was actually outside her house the whole time watching her in his dog-like form as to not be detected by her or Bill; and while he only did this out of “pure concern” for her safety and protection, it can still be viewed as romanticized domestic violence. It can be viewed this way because, even though his intentions may have been “dressed-up” to be pure, and innocent, his presence to her was unknown, and not asked for by her (Sookie) which made him following, and watching her a

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