
Death Is A Part Of Life

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Death is a part of life everyone has to face it one day. You can’t escape, and you can’t go back in time. One thing you can do, before you meet your maker, or whoever you believe in. Is live life to the fullest, and appreciate everyone and everything. My first experience with death was when the hermit crabs, I took care of with my sister, had died. I wasn’t sure whether I should be sad or not, I was only four years old and she was eight, but I cried for the hermit crabs because, I didn’t understand why they died. I later learned it was from starvation. Death brings sadness, but it can also bring people together. I learned that at a young age. I was a little girl when it happened, barely nine years old. My grandmother had been undergoing heart surgery that day, and I had high hopes for her recovery. I begged and pleaded with my mom, to just let me see her once, but my mother wanted to go alone. Instead of arguing, I gave her a homemade “Get Well.” card I had made; little did I know that would be the last thing my grandmother would see of mine. My mom had come back that very night with horrible news. We’d baked cookies that day, and my siblings and I had patiently waited for the news on our grandmother’s condition. After she greeted us, my mother sat us all down. I was not expecting what came out of my mom’s mouth next, “I’m sorry, but grannie has passed on.” I was now experiencing the worst day of my life, for the 2nd time, and it would only get worse. I laughed

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