
Death Is Very Close Death

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Death is very close… Death is imminent…What can be done to help dying clients to enjoy living their last months, weeks, or days? I think, it may help to start by asking patients what their fears are. It’s important to understand them and talk about them. Some fears are about what will happen physically. These fears may be eased if they understand what’s ahead, and what the health care team can do for them in their final days. Other fears may be more spiritual or emotional, as they struggle with the unknown and how to respond to the changes that are happening. Using evidence from different research studies, one can tentatively conclude that it may be valuable for both clients and their families to try a hospice or palliative care …show more content…

They may want to know everything, or nothing, or only what’s important to them. Knowing this helps know how best to help them.

Introduction: Fears Are not Remained Unspoken The thought of dying can be frightening, the imminent death might even be the most daunting thing we 'll ever face. Thinking about talking of death with others can also be very scary and stressful. Many dying people avoid discussing their phobias, especially at a time when connection to others is so important they can be left feeling alone and afraid. No matter how strong the fears are, it is essential to make sure they are not remained unspoken. Having these crucial conversations with family, friends and healthcare team can alleviate anxiety and reduce social detachment. Easing the fears of a dying loved one, as well as the fears of family and friends, will ultimately bring the fullest measure of peace and closure.

What Are Three Specific Fears Of Dying People? While many dying fear death, each of them has own specific fears and concerns. It might be helpful to try to identify specific fears to find the best possible solutions for quality of life improving by healthcare professionals, family, friends, and members of a faith community. These following seven fears originally appeared in Hospice: A Caring Community, by Theodore Koff, and they are insights for better understanding of the journey the dying

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