
Death Of A Salesman Psychology

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Arthur Miller’s play, “Death of a Salesman” shows how the obsession of being successful can have psychological effects on the human mind. We can see how unstable Willy gets after failing hopelessly to be fruitful. Willy, a salesman, believed that because of his looks and the way you sell yourself to people, you can sell anything. The American Dream can be obtained in many ways, but if you do it the erroneous way it can swallow you whole. The central conflict of this play is between Willy and his elder son Biff, who showed great promise as a young athlete and ladies’ man, but in adulthood become a thief and drifter with no clear direction. Willy’s other son, Happy, while on a more secure career path, is superficial and seems to not have loyalty to anyone. Linda, Willy’s wife sees everyone how they truly are, she wants to have a happy family but being the only girl, or so she thinks, its hard to talk to three guys who are stubborn heads. …show more content…

His arrogance and determination to be successful drove him over the edge, he tried to commit suicide every time he could not accomplish this American Dream. The rubber hose is a symbol of Willy’s impending suicide, Willy’s wife, Linda, finds the hose hidden behind the fuse box in the cellar. The “new little nipple” (Miller 1) she finds on the gas pipe of the water heater leads her to the conclusion that Willy had planned to inhale gas. Like Willy’s other attempted method of suicide, driving off the road in the car he uses to travel to work. The rubber hose points how the convivences such as the car and the water heater that Willy works so hard to buy, to afford might, under their surface, be killing

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