
Death Penalty Is Wrong Essay

Decent Essays

Did you know that the death penalty kills innocent people every year. It's not fair to the people that are innocent but are pronounced guilty.It cost million to execute people when the money can be used for therapy.Death penalty opponents state it is inherently unfair and racially biased.The death penalty involves medical doctors, who are sworn to preserve life, in the act of killing.The death penalty is wrong because some people are innocent, it costs millions of dollars to execute them, and the money used to execute them could go to helping the families of the victim. it cost million to execute people when the money can be used for therapy. Most people don't realize that carrying out one death sentence costs 2-5 times more than keeping that same criminal in prison for the rest of his life. (Balncedpolitics) It's not unusual for a prisoner to be on death row for 15-20 years. (Balanced poltics) Judges, attorneys, court reporters, clerks, and court facilities all require a substantial investment by the taxpayers. (Balanced politics) all of the studies conclude that the …show more content…

(American magazine) The A.M.A. evaded a major part of the ethical problem. When doctors use their stethoscopes to indicate whether the electric chair has done its job, they are assisting the executioner.This issue has been much discussed in recent years because several states have provided for execution by lethal injection. The AMA's policy is clear and unambiguous – requiring physicians to participate in executions violates their oath to protect lives and introduces deep ambiguity into the very definition of medical care.To have the state mandate that physician skills be turned against a human being undermines a basic ethical foundation of medicine – first, do no

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