
Death Penalty: The Four Sociological Theories

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It has been said that a human being needs social interaction to survive. From that they created sociology, the study of how humans interact within ones environment and with others. Sociology allows us to understand why people interact he way they do, and how their outside environment can effect that. Sociologist have created four major theoretical perspectives to categorize different forms of social interaction. The death penalty is a huge controversial issue in the United States. The four major theories functionalist, conflict, symbolic interaction, and postmodern perspectives will help explain why each person has a specific view on the death penalty. The first theory is a structural functionalist, and their views on the death penalty. A structural functionalist perspective is based on the assumption that your surroundings are the perfect scenario (Kendall, 2014). The theory that all the people around you believe all the same things about society. With the topic of the death penalty, a structural functionalist may look at it with a positive viewpoint. They believe that the death penalty will help eliminate the extreme criminals from society. The manifest function or intended function of the death penalty is to free prison space and as stated free society of the worst criminals. The latent function …show more content…

A conflict theorist is one who advocates for change and or strives for power (Costello, 2016). A conflict theorist would question the death penalty on whether or not it is truly necessary. They may ask if it saves money or if it cost more to sentence someone to the death penalty. Also, they would believe that you race, age, gender, and social class would have a huge impact on your viewpoint of the death penalty (Kendall, 2014). A conflict theorist may believe that if someone was born in to a family that advocates the death penalty than so will their children and friends, others influence

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