
Debit Card And Debit Cards Fraud Essay

Satisfactory Essays


1. Introduction
2. History
3. Types of debit cards
4. How do Debit cards work?
5. Advantages of debit cards
6. Disadvantages of debit cards
7. Ways to protect from debit cards fraud
8. Conclusion and future scope
9. Bibliography

According to Wikipedia “A debit card also known as a bank card or check card is a plastic payment card that can be used instead of cash when making purchases. It is similar to a credit card, but unlike a credit card, the money comes directly from the user 's bank account when performing a transaction.” (Debit Card, 2016)
In the previous years, the rate of use of debit cards has rapidly increased by replacing the need for cash and cheques transactions at all places and for all purposes. The best facility these cards provide is that they can be used worldwide and does not matter in which part of the world the card is issued. This card can also help in online purchases which increase its demands too.
A debit card works by debiting the money from your checking or saving the account.Payments made via debit cards are directly transferred from the savings account unlike the credit cards, which allows you to pay back money at a later date. Debit cards also act as the ATM cards as the cardholder can withdraw cash instantly anytime. Now further detailed information about a debit card is discussed. This is how a debit card looks like (BEIGEL, 2016):

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