
Deborah's Character Analysis: Deborah The Fearless Leader

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Deborah the Fearless Leader
Deborah’s story begins in Judges 4 and goes through Judges 5. Her narrative is one that breaks the tradition of her time. Deborah is one of the few female prophets in the Bible, and one of the best known. She is not only a prophetess but also a judge, public figure, and military leader. Her life influenced many people, and her strengths are inspiring. She set a moral standard on how to follow God. She trusted in God to do what he said, and did whatever he told her to do. She led the people of Israel by example. Deborah was a faithful leader.
Overall, Deborah’s life involved following God and breaking social constraints. Her story is in Judges 4 along with the stories of other judges of Israel. She stands out for two reasons. First, Deborah is one of the few female judges, and is surrounded by the stories of male judges. Second, Deborah’s story is told in two different forms. She is given a prose piece like the other judges but she also receives a song in her honor.
The prose version of …show more content…

She merely followed the plan set out for her by God. She followed His lead. Additionally, God had Deborah play many roles to move Israel through the repentance phase and into deliverance. Her roles included prophet, judge, the rally cry, military leader, and, most importantly, a woman of God.
First, Deborah’s roles start with prophet and judge, as appointed by God. Her main role was as a guide to the people. She was the voice of God during the time of afflictions caused by Sisera. She was “…a mother in Israel” (NIV Judges 5:7). Her responsibility was primarily to serve God by prophesying and declaring the word of God. Her importance is clearly illustrated in Judges 4:4, where it says that the people would seek out her advice under “the Palm of Deborah” (NIV Judges 4:5). The fact that Deborah had her own palm that people named after her demonstrates their trust in

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