
Declaration Of Sentiments Analysis

Decent Essays

The “Declaration of Sentiments” authored by Elizabeth Cady Stanton from the Seneca Falls Convention is a document that insists in written form that the government should allow women to practice their rights. Back then, women were not allowed to vote or use their voice but, now during the times “The Awakening” was written by Kate Chopin, women had more privileges and rebellious attitude. The main character, Edna Pontellier has more freedom and self-rule than any other woman back in 1848.
The purpose of the “Declaration of Sentiments“ is that to release the oppression from the government giving to women, to state that men and women are created equal. The document stated that “In the covenant of marriage, she is compelled to promise obedience to her husband, he becoming, to all intents and purposes, her master—the law giving him power to deprive her of her liberty, and to administer chastisement.”(Stanton.9) Explaining that no matter what, the woman is seen as an object in the eyes of the court, not as a human, treated as property. Women were submissive and were deprived of education. The women had only one thing to do, …show more content…

The author stated, “He reproached his wife with her inattention, her habitual neglect of the children.” (Stanton.9) Demonstrating that even though Edna is ignoring her children’s needs, his children, Leonce will never hit her as for punishment. Showcasing that she gets to use her voice, she gets to get away with not being the proper mother as women were once before. She is allowed to have a friendship with another man and not be seen as a scandalous woman in the society. She has more freedom than the previous woman had, sunbathing with her dear Robert. Since she is a Creole, who is not oppressed by cultural norms, her husband does not see that as a threat but that does not mean he stops seeing her as an object like others men

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