
Decriminalization Of Mental Health

Decent Essays

Additionally, in order to combat the large increase in homelessness many of whom are war vets, who have been diagnosed with a mental illness, and also those who have been involved in deinstitutionalization in the late 60’s; the Mental Health Act created a bill that would help end homelessness. The bill would only work if the Department of Health and Human services awards grants in order to provide; Mental Health Services, Education about mental health, and integrated, coordinated treatment for disorders that constantly reoccur.
Lastly, in hopes of limiting the amount of individuals being sent to psychiatric facilities, the Mental Health and Parity Act creates preventive measures for those who may be susceptible to mental illness and those who are currently struggling with a diagnosed illness. The bill would put into place preventive measures by teaching individuals vital information regarding the illness, while also helping the become self aware of their emotional state. …show more content…

With such an increase in awareness about mental illness, the stigmas is slowly being acknowledged and changed, especially considering the tragic history of mental health. Moreover, the hope is to change the way mental illness Is being treated by taking preventive measures and fully understanding the history of mental health. Once the history of mental health has been unstood then will we as a society be able to create a safer environment for these individuals to feel safe and un judged by those around

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