
Define Status Offenses

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This discussion will be about defining status offenses in relation to juvenile delinquency, and summarize two types of these offenses, and how they can lead to a life of crime.
Developmental Service Group, Inc. (2015) defines status offenses, are behaviors leading to noncriminal acts that is considered a law violation only because of a youth’s status as a minor. Status- offending behavior has a lot of underlying issues attached to them that are personal, community, and familial related. These issues contribute to dangerous behavior, victimization, and drug use. Typical status offenses include chronic truancy, violating curfew, running away from home, underage use of alcohol or tobacco, or failing to comply with parents or guardian’s directives …show more content…

This law does allow exceptions for youths traveling to school, religious and work-related events, or emergency situations. Most states have adopted the curfew law that applies to all youths under the age of 17. This curfew law state during the school term, usually from the month of September through June, youths must be off the streets between the hours 11pm and 6am. From July through August, usually summer school break, youths must be off the streets between the hours of 12 am and 6 am. Any violation of these time constraints is a statue offense (Yeide, 2009). Not only is it an offense, it presents juveniles with plenty of opportunities to become willing participants in criminal activities. Many juveniles, roaming the streets past curfew are more likely to encounter adult criminals. These adult criminals take advantage of these impressionable, and vulnerable juveniles, that are manipulated and led to a life of crime, selling drugs, stealing or prostitution.
Next status offense discussed is underage drinking. Underage drinking is a common activity among youths. A survey taken in 2012, by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, showed that 1.7 million youths were classified as “heavy drinkers” (HHS Publication ,

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