
Definition And Definition Of Context Essay

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Theoretical Framework
3.1. The Definition of context
In linguistics, different scholars own different ideas on the context. According to Oxford Advanced English-Chinese Dictionary: 1) the words that come just before and after a word,phrase or statement and help you to understand its meaning. 2) the situation in which something happens and that helps you to understand it(2004,p.361). The first meaning can be classified as linguistic context used in a narrow sense. And the second meaning can be classified as non-linguistic context used in a broad sense.
When talking about “context”, we must have a talk about Malinowski. Because he first came up with an idea of “context” and made a huge contribution to the development of modern social anthropology. He gave a specific description on the difference between context of culture and the context of situation. He figured out that the context of culture based on the social and cultural background. And one language must be deep-rooted in a given culture; conversely, the social culture is unavoidably reflected by language. The language and culture share a close relation each other. They interact and cooperated with each other. He took a notice of the extra-linguistic factors but ignore the inter-linguistic factors.
“Context can be defined as the surroundings, in the broad sense, which helps the communicators to interact with each other intelligible.” (Mey, 1993) From the definition given by Mey, we can find that Mey shares a similar

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