
Definition Essay About Passion

Decent Essays

Passion, by definition, is a powerful emotion, feeling. However, that only gives a minimal explanation. Passion like a small girl full of energy. She may give energy or even motivate anyone to survive in any situation by wishes to be in the world, feel it, discover new things, or do something personal. Passion will never sit at home. It is not Passion. She will always do what she loves to do, and succeed everywhere where she wants. However, Passion is always being the honest girl who reveals the true nature of a person.
The passion is a strong feeling. When someone has a passion to waves, flight, and other danger thing, others may have a passion to their family, job, or some hobby. Anyway, it will help succeed and be happy in life. I have …show more content…

After a while, I started doing more crazy and crazy things, but before each descent of the soul freezes for a moment trembling in fear in readiness for the new flight. However, at the first time, I was so scared that when I made a turn I stiffened, and I could not do anything. I was 6 years old. First two years, I was not happy at all. My dad forced me to ride. And thanks him for that because when I understood how to ride, I started love it very much.
My father is the person who always helps me, even if I don’t understand it. I’m learning from him always some new thing. I remember when I ride down to the mounts. I was tired and afraid that I could not come back to the car. Dad put me on his shoulders, and brought back to the middle of the mountains where the car was parked. At the age 12, we were at the same level with my father. We love to ride together like two crazy people through until end of mountains.
The passion to skiing drive me to the mountains every year. I love everything about skiing: the fresh air, crispy snow, amazing views, speed, and the ability to do things that mostly people cannot do. It is my favorite part is being above regular human being; I’m always trying to push my limits. The best feeling when I’m finally succeed at this

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