
Definition Essay: Gender, Urban Culture And Homosexuality

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1.1 Homosexuality
Homosexuality is sexual attraction to people of one’s own sex. The term was first used by Karl-Maria Kertbeny in a pamphlet arguing against Prussian anti-sodomy law in 1869 but it was in 1886 that Richard von Krafft-Ebing used the term homosexual and heterosexual in his book Psychopathia Sexualis that term became a widely accepted term for sexual orientation. The idea increasingly began to be understood as opposite to heterosexuality (sexual attraction exclusively to the other sex) and male homosexuality was associated to femininity and cultivated pederasty.
Social acceptance of homosexuality is lowest in Asian and African countries and highest in Europe, Australia and the Americas.
Because this term has been widely used …show more content…

The term is used for people who have not disclosed their sexual orientation or gender identity. There are numerous social, economic and familial pressures that lead people to remain consciously or unconsciously ‘in’ the closet. According to Steven Staidman the closet is a historical oddity, combining a strong sense of gay identity with oppressive antigay discrimination. Teenagers, specially, during their educational years tend to remain closeted for fear of disapproval from parents, friends and peers. The closet takes on wider meanings to describe any behavior that is embarrassing or controversial and therefore kept concealed. It also refers to people who have not fully disclosed their sexuality, even if it is known to others. (The Meaning of Sexual Identity in the Twenty-First Century, edited by Judith S. Kaufman, David A. …show more content…

The idea was first proposed by Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, a prominent German homosexual rights advocate in 1869 as a means of emancipation. According to him, to change the public opinion it was necessary to talk about homosexuality and therefore urged people to reveal their same-sex attractions. The term is related to being self-aware of same-sax attractions and extension of this information to other people; it is also a widespread disclosure of same-sex attractions, and identification with the LGBT community. In general sense, the phrase is used to denote the person’s declaration of identifying as a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer to his/her family or the public. The experience is one of extreme emotional vulnerability – many people hesitate to come out in fear of being discriminated against or not being disowned or unaccepted by their family and friends. Some choose to keep their orientation a secret whereas other chose to come out in very public way.

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