
Definition Essay On Equality

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Although we share many differences, in many ways we are alike. One thing we have alike is our desire for equality. This is something that everyone aspires to have no matter the color of your skin, the place you live, or the amount of money you have. Furthermore, just because everyone wants the same things doesn’t mean everyone is the same, each individual is different in their own unique ways. Because of this, we must stick together to accomplish our goals and aspirations. Just because we are all a little bit different does not mean that we can’t share the same hopes and dreams.

Despite the many differences we all have, there’s one major thing we have in common, the desire for equality. Everyone wants to feel treasured and loved, especially if the person next to you is getting this. Equality is something everyone wants but no one can seem to accomplish. In Barack Obama’s Speech on Race, it says, “We seek success in Finland, are born and die in Maine. In minor ways we’re different, in major we’re the same.” This quote explains why equality is so desired. Our differences can set us apart and sometimes determine what kind of treatment we get. Another example of this is from Human Family. It states, “...we may have different stories, but we hold common hopes.” This shows …show more content…

Differences between you and the person next to you could quite possibly determine how you get treated. A line from Human Family states, “Mirror twins are different although their features jibe, and lovers think quite different thoughts will laying side by side.” This quote shows that even the closest related people are different. Another example of this is from Barack Obama’s Speech on Race. It says, “We may not look the same, and we may not have come from the same place.” This explains the last quote perfectly because it shows that even if two twins are identical, they’re still unique in their own

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