
Definition Essay On Heroism

Decent Essays

In modern society, people often relate the word heroism to an individual who has saved hundreds of lives or accomplished some other similarly daunting feat. The general public perceives a hero as someone who is undeniably noble and brave, but that is not necessarily the case. We have adopted such a narrow-minded mentality of what exactly makes a hero that it is difficult to discern whether or not actions in everyday life are truly for the greater good. We have limited our use of the title of hero to the few and mighty, and by doing so, we have excluded those who make some of the most challenging decisions from receiving any recognition. With such unnecessary restrictions, we have started to teach children that some people are not strong enough and that they shouldn’t even bother to try to make a difference in their …show more content…

Approximately two in every ten people suffer from a mental illness, and many of those who struggle with mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder or depression are prone to committing suicide. The thought that those who commit suicide are weak and pathetic has been institutionalized for multiple generations. It is too often assumed that those who avoid performing such a drastic measure are fine, but there are people who struggle with letting themselves live every day. For some, it requires so much courage and strength to fight through another day, yet they are not considered heroes because their actions only immediately benefit themselves. We subconsciously cast the suicidal and mentally ill into the role of the outcasts who don’t deserve respect. However, they form a group that needs positive attention and support that is usually abandoned by friends and family, leaving them to be their own heroes. The mentally ill deserve to be accepted as heroes, for a great number of them have steered themselves away from the edge of death time and time

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