
Definition Essay On Social Media Community

Decent Essays

Whenever you hear the word community, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Usually when people hear the word community they think of a neighborhood, but it is not just this. My definition of a community is different groups of individuals who have similar interests and beliefs. There are many different communities that people associate themselves with. In most communities everyone would come together to hang out. Whereas, in other communities everybody knows each other but they usually would not interact with one another. Communities are also like safe places in a way. They are like safe places because it is a place where you can be yourself around people who have the same interest as you. Social media, church, and introverted community …show more content…

A huge portion of the population that has a phone most likely has some type of social media rather it is Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. Everybody that has any kind of social media account will usually spend a huge chunk of their day on social media. Social media is what many people use for entertainment. Individuals that are a part of this community are usually obsessed with their phones but they never realize it. For instance, the first thing people would do once they wake up is check their phones. Over the years it even became a habit for people to grab their phones first before the leave the house. Whenever people in this community hang out they would usually be on their phones most of the time they are together. Social media is also how people keep up with what is going on in the world, it is also used for communicating with one another. People use social media to send things they find interesting and funny to their friends. Another type of community would be a church …show more content…

Even though there are different types of churches that teach different things. They all have one thing in common they want to make sure their followers have faith in something or someone that wants to make sure they go through life without many worries. Christians want to spread the God’s word to as many people as they can, they want everyone to experience God’s love. Becoming a Christian does not make life easier but having someone to put your worries really helps. Kayla Keller a close friend of mine explained to me what it feels like to be a Christian. Kayla said “ Well in life there are so many hardships, no matter who you are or where you are from. There are always going to be a plethora of issues and situations that it difficult to be alive. But I think being a Christian helps us because it gives us hope that it will get better. Christianity promises that, after it is all said and done, we get to be with Jesus in heaven. If I was an atheist, and I thought after I die that there is nothing left, it all just returns to nothing and I do not have much of a purpose in the grand scheme of things, I would find it difficult to try and live through the hard times. Personally, I would not have any hope, it gives us a reason to keep living and trying to be best versions of ourselves that we can.” Kayla. Other religions might view things differently

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