
Definition Essay: The Good Life

Decent Essays

What is the “good life”? Is it even possible for one to define it? According to Ryan Howell and Psychology Today, most characterize it as a time of happiness, a sense of accomplishment, the avoidance of negative encounters and the development of oneself (Howell). Therefore, is appropriate to interpret it as the perfect life? The good life, by any description, signifies the perfect life. The good life entails endless struggles. It is a symbol for the balance between spiritual and emotional life, the distinction between right and wrong, and the recognition of successes and failures throughout one's growth and development. Aristotle would argue that the good life involves being morally correct and “living life in accordance with reason and virtue” (Serrano). …show more content…

Mills defines the good life in the form of happiness, “pleasure, and the absence of pain” (Serrano). The concept of the good life is intriguing to explore, after all, it has no concrete definition. The path one may choose to follow in order to pursue the good life is dictated by their own individuality – past actions, present decisions, and future goals. Whether one is thinking about their good life, or simply embodying it, the peculiar experiences and the magnitude of knowledge acquired are the critical aspects in differentiating one’s pursuit of the “good life”. In Herodotus’ The History, the concept of the good life is challenged and reconsidered, meanwhile, in The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, the motif of the superficiality of society is conspicuous when embodying the good

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