There are many controversial topics in our day and age, anything from from the color of a dress to a child choosing their own gender can and will be argued. With so many touchy subjects, we are bound to stumble across topics that go against our faith that the community around us may choose to support. This can split families and friendships, so it is necessary to have an understanding on what these topics entail. One of the most pressing subject is abortion, and whether it should be legal or not. While this subject can be argued from many different viewpoints, I will do my best to provide a thorough explanation that will leave you understanding why abortion is murder. Life is something that is full of so many wonderful events, and it is also …show more content…
There are lots of different definitions for murder, but I will share a couple of the most important definitions. God said that “You shall not murder” ( ESV, Exodus 20:13) and other references. I will also quote that “Whoever takes a human life shall surely be put to death” (ESV, Leviticus 24:17). When someone’s life is taken away that is one of the most important things to that person. They may consider their spouse or kids more important, but without their life they cannot live with those people and bless them. Saying that, I should also add that to many people they believe in another life which is much more important to them. However, someone’s life is still one of the most important possessions anyone can …show more content…
People can argue that a woman has the right to decide to have a kid or not, and they do, but not once they are pregnant. “I certainly supported a woman's right to choose, but to my mind the time to choose was before, not after the fact.” (Ann B. Ross, Miss Julia Throws a Wedding). We all suffer consequences for the choices that we make. I can go and co-sign a loan, but my partner in the loan might not meet up to their end of the bargain and not pay off the debt. This would leave me to pay the debt, and I can’t just bail myself out and “kill” the loan agreement. The loan was something that was set in place and agreed upon. Any two people that get into a relationship where having a child is possible needs to either make sure that they do not get pregnant, or be ready to accept whatever consequences come about. This can be called consequences, or it can be called a blessing. “The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude...I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you...we are in charge of our attitudes.” (Charles R. Swindoll). The situation is what you make out of it, and we can always look for the best if we choose to. Abortion
After considering the information presented in class, as well as my own philosophical beliefs, my argument is that abortion shouldn’t be a legal thing for woman to do in the U.S. Even though woman do it because they aren’t ready to have a kid, or were victims of abuse, or whatever the cause was, the action of aborting the kid is like murder. I want to argue about how abortion shouldn’t be considered legal.
Abortion defies the word of God as it breaks the sixth commandment, which states to not kill. Clearly, abortion is a part of murder as it takes away the life of an innocent child. Moreover, Abortion also ruin God’s plan for the baby and the purpose of the baby. Besides that, a child is a blessing given by God, which should not be hated but loved. Although there are some that defend the idea of abortion, such as those with secular views, it doesn’t stop the fact that abortion is murder. Unborn children also have the right to live, grow and
Abortion is the ending of pregnancy before birth and is morally wrong. An abortion results in the death of an embryo or a fetus. Abortion destroys the lives of helpless, innocent children and is illegal in many countries. By aborting these unborn infants, humans are hurting themselves; they are not allowing themselves to meet these new identities and unique personalities. Abortion is very simply wrong. Everyone is raised knowing the difference between right and wrong. Murder is wrong so why isn’t abortion? People argue that it is not murder since the fetus being destroyed is not living, breathing and moving. Why is it that if an infant is destroyed a month before the birth, there is no problem, but if
Abortion is the ending of pregnancy before birth and is morally wrong. An abortion results in the death of an embryo or a fetus. Abortion destroys the lives of helpless, innocent children and is illegal in many countries. By aborting these unborn infants, humans are hurting themselves; they are not allowing themselves to meet these new identities and unique personalities. Abortion is very simply wrong. Everyone is raised knowing the difference between right and wrong. Murder is wrong, so why is not abortion? People argue that it is not murder if the child is unborn. Abortion is murder since the fetus being destroyed is living, breathing and moving. Why is it that if an infant is destroyed a month before the birth, there is no problem,
A lot of people consider abortion a form of murder because they consider the fetus to be a human being. It is because of this that they would never get an abortion and they would get mad at others who did. People consider babies a gift from God and even unplanned pregnancies are seen as God’s gift to the parents. People who are against abortion state other humans are in no position to play God and that we have no right to choose who lives and who dies. Some reasons that pregnant women consider not having an abortion are because the chances of getting pregnant afterwards decline and because of the emotional pain that is felt with the loss of a mother’s child. It is a very tragic event in a woman’s life and its something that can’t be reversed or taken back. People who are against abortion argue that
In 1973, there was an abortion case in the Supreme Court called Roe vs. Wade. The case made abortion legal. Since that day, abortion has become one of the most highly debated topics in our nation. A big question about abortion is if it is murder. Many people say that it isn’t murder because you are killing the fetus, the unborn offspring of a mother, but even when a baby is in its mother’s womb, it has a breath. According to the American Heritage High School dictionary, murder is the act of putting an end to, or destroying a life, which is exactly what abortion is. Although being a parent is very hard, abortion is murder, mentally stressful, and it disregards the gift of life.
Did you know 80% of women abort their kid if they have down syndrome? Abortion is where they end the baby’s life well it is still in the womb. Abortion has been an issue since the 1960’s and continues to grow today. About 1/4 of pregnancies end in abortion and 1/3 of americans before the age of 45 have gotten an abortion. ( (Guttmacher.) Abortion should be illegal considering the reasons for it, ethics and medical effects.
Abortion is a debatable question that has been argued over a long period of time. The controversy of abortion has caused or may cause deaths and several violent conflicts between, should abortion be legal or illegal. Abortion is one of the most common medical procedures performed worldwide also known as elective termination of pregnancy (History,2016). Abortion is the destruction of the fetus or unborn child while the child is still in the mother’s womb. This procedure can be done almost anyone from the mother herself to back alley, most common, abortion clinics. More than 40% of all women will end a pregnancy by abortion and remains common in the US. But the questions is should abortion be legal or illegal?
Abortion has been one of the most popular and argumentative topics that has still yet to be settled. Ultimately the question we can ask when trying to solve this issue is whether or not pregnant women should have the right to kill an unborn baby. Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy before birth takes place and is a moral wrong. Can we as a society call ourselves human if we allow the deaths of unborn babies to take place? Those who take the side of pro-choice or as also known as pro-abortion often use statements concerning life, humanity, human rights and freedom to support their claims. I believe abortion should be illegal because we as a society must protect the human lives that are in danger whether or not they are in their first
“There are nearly 1.2 million abortions performed in the United States each year” (Operation Rescue, 2014). That was 1.2 million innocent lives that were ended before they even had a chance to begin. Abortion has been legal for decades now, and it is time to put a stop to all the murdering of unborn children. This senseless killing of an unborn child needs to be recognized for what it truly is, and that is legalized murder. Abortions should be made illegal in the United States because it is taking the life of an innocent person, there are other options out there and lastly abortions are not only harming the unborn child but also cause harm to the mother.
Murder is a crime whether you look at the Bible - Thou shalt not kill. The Sixth Commandment - or at a book of English law - Murder: an indictable crime punishable in a court of law. Murder is the most inhumane thing to do as another person, if someone commits a murder they have to be at their lowest to take someone else’s life. It’s sickening that some people murder for pleasure. Why do they? How do they think? Why take someone else’s life? There are a lot of things to take into consideration when someone commits a murder, for example; what were they thinking? Did they plan it? Did they think about the consequences? What type of mentality did they have when they did such thing? These are some questions we need to think about.
Abortion is one of the most controversial subjects that has been continually argued over for many years all over the world that poses the questions death or life. Abortion discusses one’s interaction where ethics, emotions, medical, and law come into place. According to the Webster Dictionary abortion is the loss of the fetus or unborn child before it can live outside the womb. The killing a human life is a contradiction to the norms of society, from a biblical point of view, one will believe that abortion is wrong because it is a sin that is stated in Exodus 20:13, the sixth commandment of the law of God "Thou shall not kill", and such an act should be outright illegal. Although abortion may seem to be the only correct solution for an unwanted pregnancy, it is cruel, unethical, and presents a double-standard for society; therefore, it should be considered illegal except under some special cases and medical circumstances that indicate a danger to the mother and child.
Killing is still killing. In America, a very controversial issue is abortion. It is unfortunate that this is even considered eristic. A child, no matter what age, is still a child. Many people have tried making this out to be something it is not; people will try to say that in the womb, an unborn child is only a glob of flesh. This line of thinking is incredibly precarious, as well as downright deranged. A child in the womb is alive, aborting a baby is hazardous and unnatural, the methods used to slaughter these innocents are barbaric and strictly against God's plan for human life. Murder will never solve anything.
a. Termination of pregnancy and expulsion of an embryo or of a fetus that is incapable of survival.
Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy that is often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. As life begins at conception, unborn babies are human beings and thus have the right to life. The federal Unborn Victim Of Violence Act that was made to protect unborn babies from murder states that anybody intentionally killing an unborn baby should be punished for killing a human being. Abortion is a murder because it is taking away someone’s life. Even though the baby isn’t born yet, the fetus in the mother’s womb still feels pain while being aborted. No person, not even a mother, has the right to hurt someone. To keep a child, who can’t even speak, from growing and from living is a murder.