
Definition Of Spree Crimes

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Crime sprees are important types of crimes that are committed every year. From spree robberies to spree killings to mass killings, like school shootings, they are important crimes that we hear about all the time. They make the national and local news practically every time they are committed. These crimes cause the mass public great fear and distress and they need to be prevented as much as possible. So, what are spree crimes? What makes a crime a spree crime? A spree crime according to the FBI is “two or more of the same crimes committed by the same offender or offenders, without a cooling-off period” (Johns et al. , 2005, p. 9). The cooling-off period is an essential part of the definition without which it would mean the same as serial crimes. Serial crimes are two or more of the same crimes committed by the same offender or offenders with a cooling-off period (Johns et al. , 2005, p. 9). The cooling-off period is crucial for the proper definition of spree crimes. So, what is a cooling-off period and how does one determine if there is a cooling-off period? A cooling-off period is a temporal separation between the crimes. This temporal separation allows for the offender or offenders to cool down and rejuvenate and plan for the next offense (Johns et al. , 2005, p. 8). Serial crimes have this break in between crimes, sprees do not. Spree crimes do not allow for the offender(s) to rejuvenate and plan for their next offense. They act on impulse and go from one offense to

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