
Definition Of Success Essay

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In todays world, mainstream marketing and media have us all influenced and brainwashed into believing a fake, even threatening definition of success. Making most humans believe having a great house, a quick vehicle, and being financial stable with complete freedom is the American dream. However, there are great numbers of success that do not list any of these. It does not take material goods to have success. Success is hitched with happiness because they are both extremely personal. Accurate success takes admiration, thanks, honor, and patience-which are all attributes that by nature are harder to attain-mostly in the shadow of todays marketers that constantly cheat us, control out thoughts, and steal our freedom to build their bottom line. …show more content…

Although it does take money to buy the things you want and need in life, one needs more then just luxuries to live successfully. Having money makes life much easier but does not make it better. For example, money has never made someone smarter or intelligent, it takes hard work and commitment of study. Money can also not help bond something with someones significant other for a long-term relationship. That also takes commitment, sacrifice and love. Not even all of the money in the world could teach someone respect or courtesy. That comes with begin careful and having feelings for others. It is not possible for money to give someone leadership, wisdom, love, patience, or courage. Each one of these traits are important in a successful life. Money can not help in the accomplishment of these traits, money if anything takes away from the search of success. It gives someone distraction, temptation and fraud. You will not find an elevator to success, use the

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