
Dehumanization In Breakfast Of Champions By Kurt Vonnegut

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Kurt Vonnegut uses the phrase ‘Good bye blue Monday’, because in America they used to wash clothesonly in weekends. Every Monday they are busy in washing. So that day is called as washing day. House wives are fed up with washing. During that time in America they started a washing machine company. From that time onwards they become free from washing. So they said Good bye Monday. But author does not reveal the phrase till the end of the novel. Then the company is closed and in that place Americans have started making bullets for gun. This shows the condition of America. Washing machine is also an invention at that time and shows the development of scientific technology. Kurt Vonnegut shows both the positive as well as negative sides of …show more content…

Kurt Vonnegut portrays him as such and he never loses his touch to reflect about the author’s anxieties, mental stability, sharing with him the disturbing suicide of a close female relative. In this novel Breakfast of Champions the another character is RaboKarabekian who becomes a mouthpiece for Kurt Vonnegut in, expresses the ideal of recognizing individual worth that counters the novel’s pervasive solipsism. Solipsism means the character sees others as mere robots or as characters in fiction to be conveniently dismissed. This novel attacks the personal and social …show more content…

The proponents of this criticism claim that this machine age has led to alienation of the society and it becomes the nature of humanity. Those basic elements that make people as human are eroded in the process, reducing humanity to something bestial or mechanical. In Breakfast of champions, many people are discriminated because of their nature and move forward to make their life peaceful.
In Breakfast of Champions, the race also speaks about the dehumanization and of the old perception Afro-American labors as merely pieces of Machinery to perform work. For example, in 1492, when they discovered American through ships, the slaves worked as machine in the ships. Their main work was to put coal for the ship. Even if the machine has done that, it must be given rest for a while to minimize the generated heat, but the human slaves from Africa were expected to work worse than machines without a

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