
Delay Discounting Task

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Two measures frequently used are the Barratt Impulsivity Scale (BIS-11) and delayed discounting tasks. The BIS-11 produces global impulsivity scores and scores on three second-order factors: attentional, motor, and non-planning. Delayed discounting declines the current value of a reward with delay to obtaining that reward. Several studied have been conducted to investigate the relationship between the two. The longitudinal study conducted by Isen, Sparks and Iacono (2014) observed overall predictability of delayed discounting in twins and found when early drug use occurs, participants have a tougher time delaying gratification. Another study done by de Wit et al. (2007) examined the association between demographics, cognitive ability, and …show more content…

Composite: (r=-0.141, n=264, p=0.22) Nonplanning: (r=-0.166, n=264, p=0.007) SPSS flags these correlations as significant because correlation is highly effected by sample size. There were no significant correlations found between the other second order factors, attentional and motor, and the area under the curve. Attentional: (r=-0.063, n=264, p=0.307) Motor: (r=-0.101, n=264, p=0.101) DISCUSSION People who have a smaller area under the curve tend to be more impulsive than those with a larger area under the curve. The same group of people also have higher composite scores on the Barratt Impulsivity Scale. Individuals with high impulsivity rates showed no correlation with self control. Overall, our results supported the hypothesis that the higher BIS composite/global scores are, the more likely discounting rates are

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