
Study on Administration Errors for Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Cognitive Abilities

Decent Essays

This study examined administration and scoring errors made by graduate students when administering the Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Cognitive Abilities (WJ III COG). In the past studies have been conducted on graduate student errors made on other assessment of cognitive abilities, such as the Wechsler Scales. This study's findings were similar to previous studies. The study participants consisted of 36 graduate students who attended a school psychology program at a metropolitan university. There were 31 females and 5 males, of which there were 30 Caucasian, 4 Latino, 1 Asian and 1 African-American. All of the students were first year students, enrolled in cognitive assessment courses taught by the same professor (Ramos, 2009, pp. 653). All students were required to administer the WJ III COG 4 times, first to a classmate, and then 3 more times to volunteers. The first administration for each student was not considered for the study, which produced 108 testing administrations. These administrations and scores were then examined by advanced level graduate students taught by the same professor. The instrument used for scoring the administrations was a checklist first created by Schermerhorn and Alfonso, and was designed to record the frequency and types of errors made during the administration and scoring of the test (Ramos, 2009, pp. 653). After each of the 108 tests were scored using the checklist, it was found that there were 500 errors made. While the mean

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