
Delayed Bell: Benefits of Starting School One Hour Later Essay

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Delayed Bell For some high school students, sleep is not considered a necessity – but rather, a luxury. Sports, extra-curricular activities, and Fine Arts programs play an important role in students’ lives and require a significant amount of commitment and dedication. Social life aside, some students have taken the additional endeavors of acquiring jobs, participating in volunteer activities, and taking extra Advanced Placement classes. With too many tasks to fulfill in a twenty-four hour day, high school students are forced to substitute for the most essential condition of all: sleep.
Getting out of bed is becoming a struggle for most teens due to the early demands of high school. Currently, most high schools start around 7:30 a.m., …show more content…

Those who do show up, usually with coffee cups in hand, are slow with participating and paying attention. Until about thirty minutes into the class period, students are not fully attentive and awake but rather mere bodies being forced to be there. After thirty minutes, and with the light threats from teachers, such as: “if this is not discussed in class, it will be for homework” or “if we don’t discuss this verbally, you all will have to write it down and turn it in for a grade” students will then react, or at least pretend to be more alert. If school started at a later time, this issue would not be that occurring because most students would have their necessary sleep.
Furthermore, students would receive the required sleep they need, thus be healthier. Research shows that 73% of adolescents “who report feeling unhappy, sad, or depressed also report not getting enough sleep at night and being excessively sleepy during the day” (“Teens and Sleep”). Sleep is very comparable to food; it is a necessity for living life in a healthy manner. Many believe that the older one gets, the less sleep one needs. So could it be true that the older one gets, the less food one needs? No. Sleep, food, and exercise go hand in hand. In fact, as Stephen Sheldon, chief of sleep medicine at Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago and an associate professor at

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