Homework Problem Set #1
Delectation Delicatessen
Problem a)
Delectation wants to determine the number of Fish-n-Fowl and Surf-n-Turf sandwiches it should make each day to maximize the deli’s revenues in USD$. The decision variables are how many units of Fish-n-Fowl and Surf-n-Turf sandwiches Delectation should make each day.
F= units of Fish-n-Fowl sandwiches Delectation should make each day. S= units of Surf-n-Turf sandwiches Delectation should make each day.
The objective function: maxmize F x 5.50 + S x 6.95
The Constraints: 0.25 x F + 0.25 x S<=200 | Tuna fish salad | Pound | 0.5 x F <=260 | Sliced turkey | Pound | 0.40 x S <=60 | Sliced roast beef
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And Plant A losing production capacity will not change this fact. So only Plant B will increase its production by 100 untis to make up the loss of capacity in Pant A. 2.The transportation costs for A to region 1 and 2 are $1.50 and $2.10. The difference is $0.70. The transportation costs for Plant B to region 1 and 2 are $2.35 and $3.55. The difference is $1.20. Since $1.20>$0.70, Plant A will reduce its production and shipment to region 1 by 100 untis and Plan B will produce $100 units more and ship to region 1.
Problem b) 50 cents increase in unit transportation cost between plant A and region 2
Production and shipment plan will not be changed because the allowable increase of objective coefficient of “from plant A to region 2” is 60 cents. The 50 cents change is within the limit so it will not change the production and shipment plan. So it will only increase total cost by $450 as 900x$0.5.
Problem c)
The additional revenue will cover the cost. The reasons are: First only Plant B has available capacity to cover the 80 additional units. Second, 80 additional units is within the allowable increase range of plan B so
• Cost would increase to $600/wafer, which would cut our gross profit by 35%. The cost calculations are given in Exhibit 1.
|Price of Belgium cocoa beans|Quantity of Belgium cocoa beans |Quantity of Belgium cocoa beans |Total Demanded |
QUESTION 5: Kai decides to keep his price the same and add color, increasing variable costs by $0.40 per issue. What is the percent increase in unit volume (copies per issue) required to maintain $500 profits and cover the increased fixed and variable
11. If 8,000 units are produced, what is the total amount of manufacturing overhead cost incurred to support this level of production? What is the total amount expressed on a per unit basis?
14) Consider the following transshipment problem. The shipping cost per unit between nodes 1 and 2 is $10, while the shipping cost per unit between nodes 2 and 3 is $12. What is the objective function?
3) Using the budget Data, what was the total expected cost per unit if all manufacturing and shipping overhead (both variable and fixed) were allocate to planned production? What was the actual cost per unit of production and shipping?
The calculation has proven that contribution margin of Model S is higher than Model LX. In conclusion, all resources should be allocated to produce Model S up to its maximum production capacity.
production and sales of Product A is 2,000 units and of Product B is 3,000 units. There are three activity cost
1. Relative to the U.S. distribution network, calculate the cost associated with running the existing system. Assume that 40 percent of the volume arrives in Seattle and 60 percent in Los Angeles and the port processing fee for federal processing at both locations is $5.00 per CBM. Assume that everything is transferred to the Kansas City distribution center by rail, where it is unloaded and quality checked. Assume that all volume is then transferred by truck to the nine existing warehouses in the United States.
(Refer to original data.) Fuel cost is a significant variable cost to any railway. If crude oil increases by $ 20 per barrel, it is estimated that variable cost per passenger will rise to $ 90. What will be the new break-even point in passengers and in number of passenger train cars? Then, proceed to compute number of passengers =?
2- The per unit profit for 1 Kg of "complete meal" = Price to DM - Total unit cost= 4.40 - 4.92 = (0.52).
PART A – Linear Programming 1 a) Linear Programing Model Decision Variables: Let x = acres of watermelon Let y = acres of cantaloupe Objective Function: Maximize Z = 390x + 1300y – 5(20x + 15y) + 5(2x + 2.5y) = 270x + 300y – 100x + 75y + 10x + 12.5y = 256x + 284.5y where Z = total profit 390x = profit from watermelons 1300y = profit from cantaloupe 5(20x + 15y) = cost of fertilizer 5(2x + 2.5y) = cost of labour Identification of Constants: Maximize Z = 256x + 284.5y
11. Prepare a table that illustrates the percentage change in costs between the volume-based system and the strategic activity-based system.
In our excel model we tried to determine the no: of units/TEU at which the cost of the Option 2 (Zaragoza) is lower than cost of option 1 (Rotterdam) by varying the number of units/TEU (J 13 cell in excel model) and finding the influx point at which the cost difference becomes positive (E 69 cell in excel model).
Solely taking a look at the graph, to accommodate future demand for growth I would recommend ocean transportation to move our products from the new facility in China. As we expect demand to grow by 10 percent annually over the next five years, it will be most beneficial to utilize ocean transportation as projected total costs for air becomes higher than ocean above the trade off point of 1,904,761.9 POUNDS. For example, total projected costs were calculated to be at $587,156 for air versus $630,080 for ocean at the end of 5 years. Extrapolate the graph even further into the future, with the expectation of even more growth,