
Essay about Demand for Highly-Qualified Nurses is on the Rise

Decent Essays

Today nursing is recognized as a promising career and has gained much significance over the years, several programs for becoming a nursing professional are being offered by universities, community colleges and hospital based schools. Since the mid 20th century, demands for nursing professional have been on an up rise, there has been a tremendous increase in the number of nursing graduates in the last decade (NLN, 2010b). The focus of nursing education have shifted to new dimensions such as community health, public health, primary care, geriatrics, disease prevention, health promotion and other areas rather than being limited to a particular area. And this is mainly to prepare nurse to deal with evolving health care system. Demand for …show more content…

Professional nursing practice faces several challenges to perform nursing to its full potential. Even with the plan to redesign the education structure as mentioned above, there still exist several barriers such as professional resistance, obsolete insurance policies, guidelines and constraints from state and federal regulations and other geographical challenges that hampers nurses at all level from delivering their full scope of practice. For nurses to reach up to there full potential in today’s highly competent health care system, the IOM committee recommends there barriers should be removed. APRN’s entering practice after demonstrating their competiveness has to confront resistance from physicians in different states across the nation, leashing their ability to full perform to the scope of their practice. The ability of the patient to receive quality heath care will be affected if these blockades that limit APRNS capability to perform to the full ability, not removed. Complexities of U.S health care system also limit seamless functioning of hospital services such as insurance reimbursement. As a registered nurse proving health care, I will try to use the knowledge gained from education and experience over the years to advance to a position that direct and associate with other nursing professionals to influence the legislation and federal government,

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