
Dementia Memory Loss

Decent Essays

Question 1, 'Is remembering and recall in later life always beneficial for everyone?' Remembering and recall also known as reminiscence is often used in care settings such as day centres and care homes. It gives elderly people an opportunity to remember their past experiences from their childhood through to adulthood. People with dementia and memory loss can become isolated and feel they have no self-worth, which will impact on their mood and how those around them see them. Giving people the opportunity to remember and recall can help individuals to feel good about themselves. Reminiscence groups are common place today in activity programmes in day centres and care homes, especially those supporting people with dementia. People with dementia and memory loss can become isolated and feel they have no self-worth, which will impact on their mood and how those around them see them. Psychogeriatrician, Robert Butler observed older people living independently, he believed that life review is a ‘naturally occurring, universal mental process characterized by the progressive return to consciousness of past …show more content…

It can be ‘lack of resources, rights, goods and services, and the inability to participate in the normal relationships and activities available to the majority of people in a society’ (Levitas et al., 2007, p.9). Some of the reasons they are unable to access could be financial, social or their cultural beliefs. It can have an effect on a persons health and wellbeing and an effect on society overall. A government report (OPDM,2005 Piachaud et all., 2009) identified certain disadvantaged and socially excluded groups experience difficulties in using care services, these groups included disabled people and people with long term health conditions, people with poor mental health, people from certain minority ethnic groups, asylum seekers and refugees, homeless people and people with low level of

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