
Dementia's Athologic Study

Decent Essays

It is very common to hear people from various age groups talk about how they feel like their memory is failing them, as they are getting older. They then begin hypothesizing that they could be suffering from early onset dementia, which then causes them to panic. A famous dramatist of ancient Greece by the name of Aeschylus once said, “Memory is the mother of all wisdom.” This quote highlights the importance of memory for it represents a part of history and provides one with a sense of past. That is important for many reasons especially for making one’s future stronger since future always takes off from the past. Hence, people’s fear of memory loss is something understandable for they cannot imagine their memory quitting them moreover the daunting effect it will have on them. Unfortunately, 47.5 million people worldwide suffer from …show more content…

It is a disease that we haven’t cured yet but instead have only come up and still coming up with treatment strategies to alleviate its symptoms. AD was first described in 1906 by a German psychiatrist by the name of Alois Alzheimer whilst he was performing a histophathologic study of his patient’s brain, a patient who had been suffering from dementia. His patient’s brain’s autopsy brought to light the presence of two types of lesions, which are senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. He saw a visible difference in the brain tissue for it was severely damaged by these lesions. Since then, our knowledge of AD’s cellular and molecular alterations has increased and we have come up with various hypotheses for AD that may soon help in developing effective preventative and therapeutic strategies. One of the most prevailing hypotheses that have already leaded to a number of therapeutic approaches is the amyloid cascade hypothesis. Hence, the following essay will explore the pathology of the amyloid cascade hypothesis and the evidence for and against it. It will also touch upon current progress in clinical trials that test the

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