
Demographic Analysis

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Joan is a 70-year-old female that is now retired and living in Kingston, On. Joan and her husband Tom are considered upper class, with their annual household income being over $200,000 a year. Joan was born in March of 1947, and her husband was born in May of 1948. In 2016, Kingston’s population was 172,411. In terms of the gender breakdown, females make up 51.3%, while males are only 48.7% of the population (Kingston Population). Kingston is a major retirement city, with 14.1% of the population at or above the average retirement age. Kingston is also not a very diverse town, with 94.2% of the population identifying as Caucasian (Kingston Population). According to PRIZM, Kingston’s population consists of a 3 major sections, …show more content…

They also go to Vancouver at least once a year, but Joan sometimes makes special trips on her own to see her Son.
Joan has had a comfortable life, but has always kept herself busy with work and hobbies. When her husband Tom semi-retired and was able to works from home, they decided they needed a change from the busy city life. Joan fills her days volunteering at KGH, where she enjoys making people bad day a little bit brighter. She herself beat breast cancer when she was in her early 50’s and appreciates all the help she received in the hospital. Joan and Tom value the idea of leaving a legacy for their family, and for this reason are smart with their finances. Tom’s career, a banker and financial advisor, make the Morrison’s financial situation very stable. Although they do not think of themselves as frugal, they do not like to showoff their wealth. They love eating at chain restaurants like Montana’s and Fish and chip restaurants, but also make it a priority to head into downtown Kingston once every two weeks and eat at a more upscale restaurant. Lately, they have been enjoying Casa Dominica and Chien Noir. They also love Tango, but find it too loud on the weekends. Joan and Tom both use digital media, and love their I pads and e-readers. They began using Facebook (a shared account) 10 years ago, when their son Chris set it up on a visit from Vancouver. When Joan is not reading or volunteering, she is maintaining

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