
Deng Xiaoping's One-Child Policy In China

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A husband and pregnant wife have just put their first born to sleep. They start to head to their room when a group of people burst into their home, and forcibly take the wife away from the husband. The group puts the wife into a car and they speed off to a local hospital. The husband quickly follows the group to the hospital, where he finds them injecting a shot into his wife. Even when the husband pleads them to stop they do not listen. It has been ten hours since they injected the mother and the seven-month pregnant wife gives birth to a baby boy. Soon after his birth, the hospital staff puts the crying baby into a plastic bag and informs the couple that they must pay for their son’s burial. Incidents like this have happened since the one-child …show more content…

The government leader Deng Xiaoping created the policy in 1979, to be combined and used with previous family planning programs. The policy and programs were supposed to decrease population size without causing too many problems to the economy. The way the government enforced these policies was by giving economic incentives to those who follow it. While at the same time putting harsh taxes and fines on those who violate the policy. China also made contraceptive widely available and would force women to have abortions or mass sterilization at times to keep the population size down. The policy was strongly enforced in urban areas such as Beijing, and Shanghai. while the policy was more lenient in rural locations. Parents in rural areas could have a second child only if the first child was a female. while parents in urban areas were not allowed to have more than one child regardless of the circumstances (BBC News, 2015). The diverse types of living are affected by the culture of the people who live …show more content…

After a large increase in population, the Chinese government decided to step in and create the one-child policy. To enforce their new policy, the government issued high taxes and fines for couples who violated the policy. If a couple’s first child is a girl, they can request to have another child but only if it has been five years and they have been considered eligible. That also contributes to the culture’s preference for male offspring. Male offspring can carry on the family name so to a culture that holds strong family values it is ideal to have a son. This want for male children is causing China many problems. China is now facing a gender gap that has started to affect the Chinese economy. By the year 2035, twenty percent of China’s population will be over the age of 65. That is twenty percent of the workforce gone, with no one to replace them. Leaving all the economic pressure on the younger

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