China ends its one child policy. well, ending a an unpopular and draconian population control policy is certainly cause for celebration. The one child policy was never supposed to be a permanent thing. it was established in 1979 after a huge population boom in China. After the communist party began its rule in 1949, the population of China almost doubled in 30 years. And this wasn’t a coincidence . Mao ZeDong encourage people to have lots of kids. That’s partially because he was concerned about nuclear war. He said in 1957 speech that it didn’t matter if half of China’s population was killed, because there were so many people, they could just repopulate. At the time, the Communist Party even banned birth control. But eventually ,officials …show more content…
The Chinese government says that the policy prevented 400 million births, but demographers are pretty skeptical. In fact, it’s looking more and more like the one child policy was completely unnecessary. Well the biggest drop in China’s birth rate happened before the one child policy. IN 1970 , the government started running a propaganda campaign to encourage people to get married later and have fewer children. Family size dropped by half in just 10 years. Researchers now think that the birth rate would have continued to drop naturally as China’s economy improved. That was even confirmed by a secret government experiment. So are officials changing the one-child policy now because it’s clear it’s not necessary? well, there changing it because the one child policy is causing a demographic disaster. China is now dealing with not having enough young workers to support the elderly. Due to the preference for boys over girls, there are now 30 million more men than women. so how is the one child policy enforced anyway?it s unevenly implemented through a massive bureaucracy quotas are set by the central government and enforced by local family planning commissions.So what happened to people who violet the …show more content…
a photo of fine with her stillborn baby went viral on social media, causing an outcry agains family planning enforcement. fang live in a rural area, so she should have been able to have a second child. However, she had not applied for a birth permit before getting pregnant. She was fined because she did not have a birth permit and because she could not pay for the fine, government ask her to abort the child. Under the one child policy , there have been more than 330 million abortion and almost 200 million sterilizations. If Feng’s daughter had been born, she would not be able to get a residence permit.It means that she could not go to school, get a job, and even go to the doctor.There are 6.5 million undocumented Chinese in the exact situation. Is change the one child policy will be a good thing? It looks like family planning commissions will still exist to enforce the two child policy and a the big reason is money. A lot of local government make a substantial part of their revenue from family planning fines, especially in poorer areas. there;s even saying that for money, “ big cities depend on land, small towns depend on birth planning.” Some estimate that fines have made more than 300 billion dollars since the one- child policy
In 1980 China introduced the one-child policy to save it from a famine. In 1980 China had a fertility rate of 2.7 children per women that lived in China. Document B states, “The claim by Chinese officials that the one child policy has helped avert 400 million births simply cannot be substantiated by facts.” The fertility rate means the number of children a women has in her lifetime. Since 1980, China's one child policy is helping
Since 1980, China has made its people the subject of an intrusive and unfair, One Child Policy. This policy was the result of Chinese officials becoming worried of the countries jump in population from 1960 to 1980 causing a widespread lack of resources, so they decided to induct a law that would make force Chinese citizens to be limited to one child. Because of this controversial policy the question has been raised, did the one child policy positively or negatively effect China? The one child policy did negatively effect China and its people, because it resulted in gender discrimination, unjust punishments and was unnecessary due to the already declining fertility rate.
The policy was not evenly reenforced and charged widely varying fines for unplanned births. Laura Fitzpatrick says in her article, “Reports of forced abortions or sterilizations are common,” (Doc E). The way the One-Child Policy was enforced was horrible, and many people suffered unnecessarily. In Mei Fong’s book, Huang Denggao says, “If the couple is too poor to pay, we’ll take things from their house.” Families that had just welcomed new children into the world would have their bikes or televisions taken away, causing even more stress and suffering.
China One Child Policy was a policy that told everybody instead for a handful of families that they were only allowed to have one child or face consequences. The policy was put forth to try and dumb down the population numbers as it was becoming a problem because China could not feed or supply their population with water for a while. The policy was enacted 1979 and taken away in 2015 due to acceptable numbers.
While china One child Policy was aimed for improvement, the policy has caused some serious social consequences. The New England Journal of Medicine 's article "The Effect of China 's One-Child Family Policy after 25 Years" discuss the social consequences of Chinas One child policy. The One child policy in china begin when Chinese governments viewed population containment as a benefit for living and economic improvement. They created a one child policy that limits the size of families, the policy also includes regulations regarding marriage, spacing and childbearing. The strict policy is controlled with rewards and penalties, it applies to minorities of china which are Urban residents and government employees with the exception of one-child families, first children with disabilities and workers in high-risk work settings. The policy three social consequences concerning population growth, the ratio between men and women, and the ratio between adult children and dependent elderly parents. Each social consequences causes disastrous results. The policy is a sex imbalance that creates social consequences. The sex imbalance is what causes the different social consequence with undesirable effects. The first social consequence is decrease in population growth. Population growth in china has declined in the past 25 years. The policy has prevented many births as stated in the article " Chinese authorities claim that the policy has prevented 250 to 300 million births. The total
Recently, the policy has been removed and many have wondered if it was ever a good idea in the first place. The one child policy was a bad idea because it was unneeded, caused problems for children growing up, and made it hard for children to support their families. China's one child policy was an unneeded rule that did not change much. In 1970, China's birth rate was at a sizable 5.8 births per woman. In 1979, that had been reduced to 2.7 births per woman (Document B).
China’s One Child Policy was founded in 1949, this policy was founded upon the idea that China’s population was growing at an exponential rate (Doc B). China had one of the largest growing populations at over 150 million every year and with a population density of over 104 people/sq. km in rural areas and in cities up to 22,350/sq. km (Pop. Den.). China’s One Child Policy focuses on lowering the fertility rate of women and in turn lowers the population and population density, this is done by limiting most of the Chinese society to only having one child. China’s One Child Policy was a good idea because it focused on academic achievement, lessened the load on the environment and lowers fertility rates in women which then in turn lowers the already crowded Chinese population.
With China being formidable of their nation, not having enough resources to support its vast and rapidly increasing population. Officials implemented an extensive population control program that the Communist Party introduced in 1980 as the One-Child policy. Chinese government law that avoids families from having another child. Those only of the Han Chinese ethnic group that make up 90% of the Chinese population are to be fined, and punished with forced sterilization and abortions. While some see the One-Child policy as making their lives easier and are even rewarded with a “Certificate of Honor.” Correspondingly I see it as assault and clearly violates human rights to the families to not let them enjoy the natural phenomenon of human birth.
In 1980-2016 (dates of policy) the population rose instead of declining. The population rose by around 200 million people. This shows that the one-child policy did not work on its purpose of declining population to not have China over populate. The U.N. predicts that even after the child policy is over, China will reach its peak in 2030, then it will start to drop.
Another approach to implement China’s One-Child Policy is by taxation or paying a certain amount of money for fines. Fines or taxation amounts are based on the family’s
The final reason that the one-child policy was a bad idea is because of the fact that China’s fertility rate was already decreasing and was one of the lowest rates compared to Brazil, South Korea, and Thailand in 1979 making the policy pointless and unnecessary. “The claim by the Chinese officials that the one child policy has helped avert over 400 million births simply cannot be substantiated by
There has been a long history of China’s one child policy, since it was first introduces in 1979 by a Chinese Leader Deng Xiaoping (Rosenberg n.p). The law was meant to be temporary and used to control the population; however it is still in use today (Rosenberg n.p). When the policy was first enforced, it only
The One-Child Policy has its pros and cons. It has benefited China as it reduced social problems, economic problems, environmental problems, and poverty. Of course, it has its downsides as well. This policy involves forced abortions and an increase in problems with family support. One must decide if the One-Child Policy is either necessary or a terrible idea. In my opinion, I honestly believe that the
The Chinese Republic has over than one billion people. China had a leading civilization for centuries guiding the whole world in different fields. However, in the 19th and the 20th century China suffered form serious problems, which resulted from huge numbers of population. When China was under the leadership of Mao who believed that a strong nation must have large population, the population of China increased rapidly until it reached its double. From one hand, Peng Peiyun, the writer of "One family, one child", stressed two crucial factors, which are over population and being a developing country as drawbacks preventing China form achieving any progress to be an advanced country. According to Peiyun, the only available
BBC. (15 November, 2013). China reforms: One-child policy to be relaxed. Retrieved from BBC News: